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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
Topic: explanations
alejandro basilio garza . . . told ya so! ;) but i think thats just one of his many aliases, you know. the last name is definitely the name of his family, however.

anyhow, thanks for lauding me, alan, i have to say that is one of your most admirable qualities as a human . . . the ability to take interest in people and things outside your own little bubble, as well as being able to praise others selflessly. too many people in our era just seclude themselves into their 'depersonalization domes' . . . did you know that 61% of married couples these days met on the net, and that 87% of those people never even met face to face until their wedding days? its lunacy, if you ask me . . . people have lost the concept of brotherhood and interrelation.

anyhow, on the topic of interrelation . . . we humans are connected in more ways than the purely physical, i.e. that we share the same world. we are entangled on spiritual and astral levels as well, and therefore we have ways to reach each other without picking up the phone or using a handheld. this quality is particularly strong in many Newgens, and it allows us to often contact or at least find anyone in the world and learn about them.

as for mr. garza, that pair of names did indeed come to mind immediately when i pondered the meaning of 'a.b.'. i wasnt sure, but i then confirmed my findings using a combination of online research, as well as a bit of astral exploration. i also get the distinct idea that mr. garza is harmless in general, and i think that his employer may in fact be the one we have to worry about. now . . . if i can just find out who that is . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 11:02 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 11:07 PM EST
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