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Friday, 11 March 2005
weekend testing
Topic: experiments/research
yes, alan, my weekend will be similar to the one you have planned . . . somewhat packed.

im doing some new experiments with my psychic camouflage again, since i find it to be my least exhausting capability, and often times, most applicable to a situation . . . its also something one could call a psychic veil, since i can essentially veil reality in a very controlled way, causing people to see what i wish them to. but admittedly, yes, it is very exhausting.

also, ive come to dislike johnny tanuki ever since i impersonated him and ever since i read more about him and saw the substanceless concept of his entertainment. i figure it might be fun to create a completely new personality, or try to. anyhow, im sure i can put on a much better show than mr. tanuki anyway, that puppet.

i would be making good use of psychic camouflage without using someone elses image without permission. once i can totally synch my GPS ID with my energy projection, it will be a very useful thing, since i will be able to use it to enhance the effectiveness of my psychic veils by interacting with individual GPS IDs and reinforcing my effects. it will also allow me to gain access to some computers that i might need to confuse briefly.


Posted by Alan Cross at 9:57 AM EST
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