Topic: miscellaneous
hello everyone, alan.
my weekend was quite the busy one, and it was quite the relevatory one as well. i seemed unusually tired this weekend, and so i slept longer periods of time than i normally do(that is, i slept about 7 hours each night instead of 4). ive been growing a bit more lately, as well, and ive been feeling sort of achy. anyhow, in my dreams, i finally encountered the dark figure who has been trailing me and watching me from the darkness.
it was very strange, i have to say . . . it sort of opened my eyes in a way. it made me realize some things that i had only previously pondered or brushed over in my musings. apparently im not alone in my thinking on global issues, and it seems only right that i try to make some sort of social change the right way, through the system. they set it up for us, they say that we can use it, so i figure ill exhaust all the 'typical' options.
i had a short, blurry conversation with this figure, and it was a bit strange. i dont agree with what he had said to me, but i can see the logic in some of his argument.
i just need to do my own thing. i cant have this figure trying to interfere with me. i am doing quite fine as it is.
anyhow, how was your weekend, alan? sounds like you need to lay off the booze, huh? ;)
Posted by Alan Cross
at 5:03 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 March 2005 5:04 AM EST