Topic: big reflection
yes, alan, indeed i did my remember my dream clearly, i always remember my dreams clearly, as if they were real. in fact, they are real, but not in the conventional sense, but you know what i mean.
quite simply, the short conversation that took place between that figure and i occurred immediately before waking up. it went exactly like this(the figure's words are italicized):
imagine for a moment that the universe is a human body . . . and in this body, there is a microscopic organism, a parasite that infects everything it encounters and then assimilates it, multiplying its toxicity as it spreads. over time, the body fights back, and it succeeds a few times, reducing the parasitic organism back down to a manageable problem . . . but those pests always grow back again, they always seem to return. if they grow too much and spread their infection, then what will become of that metaphorical human body?
. . . it will presumably die . . .
certainly. so then, my friend, if the human body is symbolic of the universe, then the pestersome parasite is symbolic of. . . ?
humanity, of course . . .
exactly. see how naturally you responded?
and then i woke up, alan. that was all of it. of course, before that i was just roaming around in the big reflection, enjoying myself. then suddenly i was thrust into this darkness again, except the figure seemed to radiate a black light, if that is easy to visualize. everything was black, and yet, he stood out from everything else, without being noticeably brighter.
anyhow, that was that. im going to sleep now, actually.
good night.
Posted by Alan Cross
at 5:13 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 March 2005 5:19 AM EST