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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
well, alan, i havent heard of a man named a.b. garza, but ill keep my mind on alert . . . perhaps i can find him first.

incidentally, as i was being shuttled away from the site of my last experiment, i did notice a man lingering near the woods where the bear ran off to and vanished. his brain patterns seemed a bit different than the other bystanders. i didnt see his face, but it appeared that he was trying to track the bear . . . but there wasnt any blood to follow, so im sure he came up with nothing.

anyhow, i just had a strange dream of sorts; i hesitate to call it a nightmare, but it was unsettling. it is always unsettling when i am not in complete control in the Big Reflection . . . someone was there with me . . . it was an energy at least, something . . .

do you ever get the feeling that something is just wrong, in general? or do you ever feel that there is more to the world than meets the eye? perhaps there are whole worlds right next to us that we cannot even see?

im beginning to think so, but now, im going back to bed. chew on that for now . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:43 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 6:46 AM EST
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