so alan . . .
Topic: experiments/research
you still havent said anything about the experiment? if the past is any indicator at all, id assume that you had too much to drink last night, and that you didnt really do anything at all today except be lazy and hungover . . . am i right? ;)
anyhow, ill give you some slack because youre such a model citizen, as well a brilliant scientist.
anyhow, ill briefly explain my travels to you . . . saturday morning, around 4 AM, i showed up at laguardia international airport, completely going with the flow of reality. i didnt feel like making extensive plans, or sticking to a schedule too much.
i first decided to make my first stop in london, so i made my way to the international terminal and looked for a lone woman to chat with. i found her easily, a rather tall, slender woman of 45, though she could have easily passed for 30. she was very well-dressed(like most people who are totally conformed to our society) and to the average man, perhaps intimidating. for me, not at all; the woman simply adored me and my youthful energy, as well as my ability to discuss any topic with her, even subjects that the average adult knows nothing about.
i chatted with her for so long that when it came time to board the plane, i walked up to the ticket counter with her. as she was asked for the boarding passes, i created an illusion with which to show the security officer at the gate . . . he wanted to see it, though, and this worried me a bit. i brushed my worries aside, however, and handed over the non-existent ticket. he looked it over and then tried to scan it!
then an alarm went off . . . this caused some commotion, so i put all my energy into making the masses ignore the raucous. in my haste, i lost focus of my illusionary plane ticket, and the security officer fell into confusion. i decided it best to capitalize on his confusion and to distract him with a false security call on his radio. he went running off, away from the alarm, and in the commotion(Which i had quelled a bit), i shut down the alarm system with my GPS ID remote capability.
the woman i had been chatting with was still waiting for me, apparently under some sort of spell, and so i went back to her, and she didnt question me at all. its great, alan, that strange effect i tend to have on women. they just melt like butter when they see me, but yet i dont abuse my power over them. everything i do is for the good of all humanity, which is why i am so adamant to take such risks.
anyhow, the woman i was with, maria, she was stopped at the gate again, and they asked where my ticket was. upon being asked, she pulled out her pocketbook and flashed her national security bureau(NSB) badge and became very impatient and firm with the security officers . . . of course, they are required to let any government or private intelligence agents to travel without hassle, as well as the ability to bring guests and/or prisoners. in this case, i was a guest.
so, maria and i boarded the plane with no problem, and we chatted for the whole two hour flight to london . . . once we got off the plane, i followed her to customs in order so that i could conserve my abilities by not using them frivolously. after being cleared for entrance into the united kingdom(quite a funny name, isnt it?) i wiped her memories of me and i disappeared into the crowds at heathrow airport. my plan had thus far worked perfectly.
ill enlighten you more later as to the rest of my itinerary and how i enjoyed my travels. hopefully youll post something about prometheus 08, alan!
Posted by Alan Cross
at 11:41 PM EST