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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
yes, there you are, alan. i had another feeling that you would post now . . . i was in the other room doing a bit of reading when the computer notified me that you had posted a message(a full minute after i had my 'hunch') . . . needless to say, i dont need that computer to notify me.

anyhow, yes, i was very exhausted by my last experiment, but my fatigue was also compounded by an experiment i was doing in the middle of last week . . . that was by far the most complex and exhausting of all experiments(being long-distance, and all), and i didnt properly rest afterward, so my experience at the end of the week was the straw that broke the camels back, if you will. hell, i was so tired that i didnt even finish a sentence in my last post . . .

anyhow, as i was standing there outside the store with the dumb beast on the other side of his car, i had my bear make a loud roar, because the man didnt seem to believe me. when he heard this, he turned around quickly and was swatted softly by my bear. at that point, i had to use minor telepathy to make the man think that he had actually been hit by a physical object(i.e. the bear's claws). this worked well, and the man began screaming loudly for his life.

unfortunately, this attracted the attention of every bystander in the area, however, they could clearly see my illusion as well. the problem was that i seemed out of place, since i wasnt acting frightened myself. at this point i realized that my plan had come full circle . . . the man was in need of help, and since most humans are impersonal, selfish cowards in our era, i was the only hope. therefore, it had worked out better than i could have ever planned . . . then again, it was probably subconscious.

anyhow, i rushed up to the man and pulled out an illusionary pistol, at which point i 'shot' the 'bear', who reacted realistically, growling loudly and then running off into the woods(where i made it vanish, greatly reducing my mental strain). at this point, the man seemed amazed that i would even help him, and as he stumbled up to his feet i saw that his pants were soaking wet. i wanted to laugh at him and degrade him as a beast, but i used the reverse tactic.

"are you alright, sir?" i asked him, to which he replied incoherently, but i knew he was grateful. i put a suggestion into his simple mind, which he took and ran with, asking, "is there anything i can do to pay you back?"

at this point i smiled and glanced at the young girl in his car who he had been abusing, and i winked at her. i pulled out my illusionary gun again and told him my payment:

"theres nothing you can do to repay me, but perhaps you should take this as a sign to be more compassionate. look at your daughter," i instructed him as i pointed my gun at him through my coat.

he did so, and i instructed him to apologize to her with all his heart, which he did without hesitation. i sensed that he was sincere, but i still had more requests:

"you should be grateful to have a child at all, and you should be grateful for all the freedoms you have been granted by nature. moreover, you should be lucky that law enforcement didnt see you acting in such a beastly, cowardly way. you can repay me for rescuing your life by promising to never lay a hand on another human being again, especially your own flesh and blood."

he agreed quickly, and i could tell that he meant it, and so i put my gun inside my coat and made it disappear. before turning and leaving him, i smiled again and said, "if you ever hit your daughter again, sir, then i may not be as helpful. perhaps next time it will be you that i shoot. now, hug your daughter and experience what unconditional love can be like."

the man, crying now, opened the door and began embracing his daughter, apologizing profusely and promising never to hurt her again. she actually began crying herself, and it was in some way touching. before walking into the store, my cabbie from before yelled, "hey, if you see a kid in there, tell him that im out here waiting for him." i duly noted his impatient words as i walked into the store.

as i made way to the restroom to dematerialize my disguise, the customers stared at me adoringly, a few even congratulated me. after changing back into normal form, i wiped everyones short-term memory so that they would forget about the strange man who went into the bathroom and never came out.

as i got into the cab outside, the fat child abuser was still hugging and kissing his daughter profusely, thanking god for his life and his family. it gave me a feeling of happiness to see that i could make positive changes in such a way, but i also became greatly fatigued and told the cabbie to get to my dwelling as quickly as the traffic grid would allow.

before i knew it, i was at home and i decided to try and document my experience, but that was when i was overwhelmed by my weariness and had to retire for the night.

needless to say, im beginning to see how my abilities can be used positively, but i am also starting to think of other ways to achieve the same illusory effects without doing it all myself. i figure that a mixture of my abilities and the power of machines would be useful . . .

anyway, as for your idea about the time capsule, youre right about time not being linear. leaving a time capsule in the past will not guarantee that it will 'appear' in our reality. in fact, a new timeline would most likely branch off, which would be similar to its parent, but slightly different. i havent actually tried to see if this is correct, however, so perhaps it would be interesting to see the effects of leaving a time capsule in the past that me or alan could dig up . . . just make sure its on the eastern coast of the united states!

ill talk to you more later, folks.


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 12:07 AM EST
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Sunday, 27 February 2005
when will they learn?
Topic: humanity
well, ive been up for quite some time now. my day certainly was interesting . . . allow me to explain:

i was riding in an auto cab down i-95, out of the city and to a random public area where i planned perform more of my illusion testing. when i stopped at small convenience store just off the highway exit, i noticed in the distance a large, beastly man leaning into his car and shaking someone violently. no one seemed to take note of this(as is common in our era, where strangers are practically aliens to each other). i pointed this out to the cab operator, but he cited the liability clauses of his employer and of the state.

i duly noted what he said as i exited the auto cab and inconspicuously walked into the store, going quickly into the bathroom. in there, i put on an illusionary form and i tested its adaptability. it suited me well, but as i exited the bathroom, i knew i would have to try and use more extravagent means of fooling the beast outside.

i stepped out of the door quickly and began walking towards the man at full stride. it was only at the last second that the stupid brute noticed me, and he looked up with a fist cocked back, temporarily restrained from its target in the car so that his primitive mind could focus on the added factor of me into the equation. i was standing on the opposite side of the car, and i simply said, "EXCUSE me," and he says, "what?"

at this point i smiled slightly--not using telepathy--and pointed behind him, asking, "whats that?"

he turned around and noticed the large bear that i had spawned from behind another car. at this point, things began to get really interesting, seeing as though

well, it seems im getting tired. i keep getting distracted by things, and i need to get back to sleep. i was very worn out by todays experiment. i shall complete the story later.


Posted by Alan Cross at 7:58 AM EST
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Friday, 25 February 2005
yes, yes
i am going to get to bed too . . . the Big Reflection is waiting. anyhow alan, youre in quite good hands, im sure. tell me if you get anymore updates on that letter you got. ill do the same.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:45 AM EST
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i know, i know . . .
Topic: explanations
. . . i shouldnt say so much sometimes. ". . . and yes," you write, "those are the right translations for those acronyms, but perhaps you might not mention that second one in the future? . . ."

i wont mention that name in the future . . . only in the past! get it? ;) anyhow, even if people in our era were reading this, alan, theyre all familiar with the civilian league and its acronym. its in the news feed just about every day . . .

and no, im not messing with the time stamps, i just had a feeling you were going to post, thats all.

anyhow, i didnt mean to shake you up, doc. seems like liz had quite an effect on you, eh?


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:33 AM EST
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let me guess . . .
. . . youre about to make a post?!?! ;)


p.s.- oh, and you know, post office boxes are owned by corporations, and therefore are corporate property(hence, you have no rights over what youve paid for), so i hope you removed that letter. you never know who could get into your things, or who might be able to plant a letter like that. but anyway, mine didnt give me a bad vibe . . . then again, you might not be able to see things that way.

oh, and by the SOS, the CL, and the IPP, you mean the society for open-minded scholars, the civilian league, and the information preservation project?

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:05 AM EST
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Wednesday, 23 February 2005
thank you, thank you ;) but really, there must be some sort of beneficial application for this sort of thing, dont you think, alan?

okay, anyhow, this is my THIRD edit of this stupid rotten post, and now i have finally remembered to say that i am calling it a night, my fellow beings.

i will see you all later.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:31 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 February 2005 5:36 AM EST
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hold your horses, alan
Topic: explanations
i was getting to that part of the experiment, alan . . . im glad youre so interested, even though you never seem to share much information yourself! ;)

anyhow, what i found was that the camera could indeed record my illusions . . . but i may need to test this effect on others to ensure that i am not merely seeing my own illusionary after effects.

well, the slush has finally turned into ice, i see. good thing people cant drive their own cars . . . that whole stupid american/cars/independence argument is so old hat. at least one good thing about our era is that driving--on of the most dangerous modes of transportation ever--is highly controlled by advanced traffic grids.

hopefully you folks back in time will all live to see a day without traffic jams.


Posted by Alan Cross at 2:32 AM EST
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Topic: experiments/research
well, i did some research on the effects of my psychic camouflage on electronic recording devices. the results were surprising.

in most cases, until i tried to purposely focus my efforts otherwise, a video recorder would simply black out and would not record anything. the device was still recording though, but im assuming that my illusions may cause some sort of electromagnetic disturbance. ill test that at a later date.

anyhow, after failing to record myself, i decided to try and focus my energy not only on illusions, but also on the purposeful task of allowing a video camera to record it.

one thing i need to test is whether my illusions will remain visible to the human eye, even remotely or over a long duration. i will return shortly to discuss a bit more.


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:45 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 February 2005 1:46 AM EST
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Tuesday, 22 February 2005
i like the sound of that
hmmm, professor reinhard . . . i certainly do like the sound of that. but anyhow, i cant help my obsession with at least being somewhat coherent. admittedly, i do not always use proper punctuation, and i rarely capitalize anything, but if and when i see mistakes in anything written(which i usually do), i want to fix them.

so who are you going to visit, anyhow? jessica dehring? she lives in chicago, you know.

anyhow, the net is also distracting me from my work, so ill talk to you later then, alan.


Posted by Alan Cross at 9:40 AM EST
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i like your idea . . .
Topic: alan cross
. . . for the society of the free and easy. a group that promotes virtue(regardless of creed) is what this country needs. anyhow, you wrote this in your last post:

"youve become quite the author, eh? ;) thats quite a lengthy post, considering how you didnt want to save our readers(i.e. you and i) from a lengthy explanation!!"

i think you meant to say that i DID want to save the readers from a lengthy explanation. ;)

anyhow, ill post more later, i think . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:16 AM EST
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