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Monday, 28 February 2005
aloha, folks
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: things
hello folks, how are things? good, i hope, since there doesnt seem to be a way for you folks in the past to get in touch with us. its still hard to believe that any of these messages are going back in time . . . but there are ways to confirm it.

one would think that you folks in the past could leave some sort of indicator, like a time capsule or something, and therefore it should appear where you buried it, except in our era. although that will only work if time follows a linear path, which is unlikely. its worth a try, however . . . perhaps some of you folks might give it a try. of course this all depends on how many people actually read this . . . so im not holding my breath ;)

anyway, where the heck have you been rex? did your experiment really tire you out that much? perhaps you should experiment and try to find your current limits, that way you wont exhaust yourself so much. take it from a chronic workaholic . . . you gotta know your limits, or else itll get in the way of your real goals. then again, to each his own . . .

anyhow, my weekend was filled with nothing much in particular. ive been working on model number 8 quite a bit, and inevitably on saturday night/sunday morning i was invited to john wyles mansion for the expected chess 'n' drinks. the verdict? :)

I WON, once again, thankfully. sadly its not just a matter of winning or losing a match. ive put too much time into these eight models--all of which will contribute to the completion of the ninth and final version--to lose control/access to john wyles and the company. even crowley is behind me on this matter, because he and i have decided that wyles may not use my technology for the best of all applications.

anyhow, im curious about the rest of your latest experiment, rex. hope to hear from you soon, buddy, i am actually starting to worry a bit.

oh, oh, ive got some news about that letter i got in my post office box, buddy. you might be interested in what ive got to say, but youll have to private message me and tell me whether you think its alright to share that info on here.

okay, see you all soon! rex, take care . . . you folks in the past, start putting together those time capsules and start digging!

Posted by Alan Cross at 11:10 PM EST
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