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Wednesday, 6 April 2005
hello folks
Mood:  rushed
Topic: things
hello folks . . . how are you all? and rex, how might you be these days?

i suppose youre not posting because i havent been, huh? ;)

anyhow, ive felt incredibly anxious as of late, and ive been sort of running around doing a lot of nothing . . . maybe its just that the weather is getting better now and im losing my hermitic ways. it seems like the season is quite behind this year . . . but im enjoying the new warmth.

im pretty close to getting model number nine finished . . . just a week or two more and it should be set to go. how are things with you, rex?

do any neat experiments lately?

i havent seen in quite some time, but i still think about it every time i come home at night(which i now try to avoid).

anyhow, later on buddy.

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