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Friday, 4 March 2005
reinhard for president!
Mood:  rushed
Topic: civilization
well, rex, you managed to make a few good points there in your last post. im not so sure about a benevolent authoritarian government, but its an interesting concept as long as the authority is truly used to punish injustice, and not simply used as a means for a dictator to get what he wants.

it is very true that the responsibility to change things lies in everyones hands, especially the masses, even though there only influence is their sheer number. i would hesitate to say that the blame is in the hands of all people, though . . . most people are already born into this environment and conditioned to think nothing of it.

free will is a great gift from nature, but unfortunately there exists societal will as well, and that collective overrules the individual it seems. it seems that the biggest struggled is breaking free of that larger imposition of will and then trying to organize folks. but i will admit the complications with such a plan must be innumerable.

around 150 years ago, there were people in the ruling class who were fully aware of our countrys short, tragic future . . . they the few decided to make themselves richer while letting the many fend for themselves. as time went on, this situation only complicated and polarized people even more.

were lucky weve kept order this long, in fact, with the envangelical rebellion in the first decade of this century, and then the sino-american economic crisis(which is a fancy word for war). and now weve got a shady group of folks running around blowing things to smithereens, and blaming it on completely innocent civil and human rights groups.

the 'shepherds' are trying hard, it seems, to give any well-intentioned organizations a bad name, which would explain the CL being in the news so often. they also still manage to pit the masses against each other and against the government, using religion, race, and Newgen as sparks to light a fire. every time the many get close to making steps toward reestablishing the Constitution, the 'shepherds' turn the focus away from themselves and make the people hate the government. this is dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, since the real culprits simply stand out of view while their marionettes dance for them.

okay, crap, i just needed to have a smoke outside and get a drink for myself . . . im working on model number eight now, i typed too much! gotta get back underground for a while!!

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:10 AM EST
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Thursday, 3 March 2005
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: civilization
whoa, whoa, buddy, what exactly are you talking about? where did this come from?

Posted by Alan Cross at 4:10 AM EST
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