Welcome to this bland and graphic-free page!

(except for the obnoxious advertisements)

This site exists as a means to give easy access to commentaries that I(Adam Krause) have written for Wayne State University's newspaper, the South End. Please enjoy what I've showcased, and remember that these are my opinions, and I do not claim to be a hard journalist by any stretch of the term. Feel free to send your praise, encouragement, job offers, death threats, or sexual advances to the email address at the bottom of the page.

1. A remedy for Bush's political foibles

2. Marriage for all people: An inalienable right

3. The Old Ball and Chain (Valentine's Day special)

4. Violence on the rise, or is it?

5. Small amount of shopping in Detroit means small amount of interest

6. Candidates from a Mold

7. A New, New Deal

8. A New, New Deal part 2

9. 9/11 Commission Overlooks the Failures of NORAD

10. The 2004-2005 Draft

E-mail me, or suffer the results of inaction!
