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Wednesday, 9 February 2005
for goodness sake
Topic: alan cross
for the sake of all thats good, did i not tell you all to expect something amazing from dr. cross?
Leyden skin!
you see, you should pay more attention to your hunches, and more so your dreams . . . only dreams can reveal those things you hide from yourself in waking hours. after all, how can one fool themselves if they are already overwhelmed by a realm that easily unveils their subtlest and most secret desire ?

i just didnt expect this to happen until a later point, and this makes me wonder what other mechanical marvels he has in the making, and what else may be the real surprise.

i often wish that i wasnt so accurate all the time, i mean after all, nothing is a surprise to me anymore. of course this has taken time to develop, and in the past i had to focus harder to go from the general to the specific, to what specifically involved me or those who affected me. by 'affected', i mean that i enjoyed these humans company more than that of an average human, even to a great extent with a few(dr. cross stands in this rank).

all of these people are beings that i respect greatly, and therefore i always have them in my thoughts and in my dreams, i watch out for them. this goes for you too, dr. cross! ive got my eye on you ;)

all this considered, i also have immense respect for non-intervention policies, and therefore i can do no more than simply watch over my comrades.

but nevermind all that, i just had to get a word in about dr. crosss amazing new research development. i look forward to hearing more; perhaps in the future we can work together on something, alan.


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:42 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 1:47 AM EST
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