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Friday, 25 February 2005
yes, yes
i am going to get to bed too . . . the Big Reflection is waiting. anyhow alan, youre in quite good hands, im sure. tell me if you get anymore updates on that letter you got. ill do the same.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:45 AM EST
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i know, i know . . .
Topic: explanations
. . . i shouldnt say so much sometimes. ". . . and yes," you write, "those are the right translations for those acronyms, but perhaps you might not mention that second one in the future? . . ."

i wont mention that name in the future . . . only in the past! get it? ;) anyhow, even if people in our era were reading this, alan, theyre all familiar with the civilian league and its acronym. its in the news feed just about every day . . .

and no, im not messing with the time stamps, i just had a feeling you were going to post, thats all.

anyhow, i didnt mean to shake you up, doc. seems like liz had quite an effect on you, eh?


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:33 AM EST
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let me guess . . .
. . . youre about to make a post?!?! ;)


p.s.- oh, and you know, post office boxes are owned by corporations, and therefore are corporate property(hence, you have no rights over what youve paid for), so i hope you removed that letter. you never know who could get into your things, or who might be able to plant a letter like that. but anyway, mine didnt give me a bad vibe . . . then again, you might not be able to see things that way.

oh, and by the SOS, the CL, and the IPP, you mean the society for open-minded scholars, the civilian league, and the information preservation project?

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:05 AM EST
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Wednesday, 23 February 2005
thank you, thank you ;) but really, there must be some sort of beneficial application for this sort of thing, dont you think, alan?

okay, anyhow, this is my THIRD edit of this stupid rotten post, and now i have finally remembered to say that i am calling it a night, my fellow beings.

i will see you all later.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:31 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 February 2005 5:36 AM EST
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hold your horses, alan
Topic: explanations
i was getting to that part of the experiment, alan . . . im glad youre so interested, even though you never seem to share much information yourself! ;)

anyhow, what i found was that the camera could indeed record my illusions . . . but i may need to test this effect on others to ensure that i am not merely seeing my own illusionary after effects.

well, the slush has finally turned into ice, i see. good thing people cant drive their own cars . . . that whole stupid american/cars/independence argument is so old hat. at least one good thing about our era is that driving--on of the most dangerous modes of transportation ever--is highly controlled by advanced traffic grids.

hopefully you folks back in time will all live to see a day without traffic jams.


Posted by Alan Cross at 2:32 AM EST
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Topic: experiments/research
well, i did some research on the effects of my psychic camouflage on electronic recording devices. the results were surprising.

in most cases, until i tried to purposely focus my efforts otherwise, a video recorder would simply black out and would not record anything. the device was still recording though, but im assuming that my illusions may cause some sort of electromagnetic disturbance. ill test that at a later date.

anyhow, after failing to record myself, i decided to try and focus my energy not only on illusions, but also on the purposeful task of allowing a video camera to record it.

one thing i need to test is whether my illusions will remain visible to the human eye, even remotely or over a long duration. i will return shortly to discuss a bit more.


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:45 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 February 2005 1:46 AM EST
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Tuesday, 22 February 2005
i like the sound of that
hmmm, professor reinhard . . . i certainly do like the sound of that. but anyhow, i cant help my obsession with at least being somewhat coherent. admittedly, i do not always use proper punctuation, and i rarely capitalize anything, but if and when i see mistakes in anything written(which i usually do), i want to fix them.

so who are you going to visit, anyhow? jessica dehring? she lives in chicago, you know.

anyhow, the net is also distracting me from my work, so ill talk to you later then, alan.


Posted by Alan Cross at 9:40 AM EST
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i like your idea . . .
Topic: alan cross
. . . for the society of the free and easy. a group that promotes virtue(regardless of creed) is what this country needs. anyhow, you wrote this in your last post:

"youve become quite the author, eh? ;) thats quite a lengthy post, considering how you didnt want to save our readers(i.e. you and i) from a lengthy explanation!!"

i think you meant to say that i DID want to save the readers from a lengthy explanation. ;)

anyhow, ill post more later, i think . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:16 AM EST
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from the depths of slumber . . .
Topic: experiments/research
. . . i rise. well not really, i woke up around 18 hours ago, actually. anyhow, ive been taking a bit of time for some personal projects, like our good friend dr. cross.

while immersing myself in some other projects besides my social experiments, i kind of forgot that i hadnt finished my entry from last week.

to continue a bit, if i wasnt clear in my last explanation, then let me say that my first attempt was a complete success. in regards to some of alans observations about my experiment, let me say a few things.

first, i will save our readers from a lengthy explanation of my experiments next stage(which i undertook immediately after my encounter with the young woman). in that stage i was able to pull off an accurate imitation of johnny tanuki, and in a heavily trafficked public place as well.

from the success of this experimention stage, i came to the partial conclusion that indeed my illusions do have a falloff effect on indirect observers. besides the success of the experiment, i also observed the passerby when talking with linda(the young woman) and they all appeared normal. i also didnt sense any suspicion from people, although i did get a few jealous looks from men who were envious that i was chatting with this woman. there were also a couple women who seemed to be staring at me or trying to catch my eye.

incidentally, my johnny tanuki impersonation was so good that a small mob began to form, all of them anxious to see me do some 'magic'. i actually became a bit overwhelmed by all of their energy focused on me, in addition to the strain of trying to keep up my appearance. im not a big fan of public places or large mobs of people, anyhow, but i did quite well.

the third stage of the experiment was a surprise not only to my 'fans', but more so for myself. it was reassuring to get a new idea from it, as well. you see, alan and friends, it is one thing to accurately impersonate another person, or to become the center of the masses attention, but . . . it would be more impressive to be invisible, like in my earlier experiment at the bus stop.

this is what occurred to me as i stood in the center of an excited, energized crowd: get out of here, you cant keep this up forever. its just a test, and it needs controls. quit while youre ahead.

and so i summoned everyones attention and told them i would try and perform an amazing trick for them, but i didnt tell them what it was. i still am not sure how i did it, rather than just willing it to happen, much like instinct(but obviously not an animal instinct). my desire to leave may have subconsciously pushed along the illusion, as well, but what happened is as follows.

i created what i call a birdie, which is merely a small distraction; its not sleight of hand as much as it sleight of mind. i derived that name fully from the unexpected illusion which follows

quite instinctively, i created a large egg which hatched into was a convincing illusion of a mythical bird called a phoenix(which im sure alan and others may be aware of). people stared in awe as this wondrous beast inspected the crowd, convinced that it was indeed a tangible creature and not part of my illusion. strangely enough, in this instance, i was able to see the result of my own ability, which i have never been able to in the past.

it made loud calls and flapped its large, red and orange wings, and i even sensed some fear from the audience. emotional readings are some of the most accurate ways of judging my success, and at this point i felt thoroughly convinced that nearly everyone in the audience was captivated by the phoenix and its magnificent presence, and so i quickly backed myself into a recessed doorway, creating an independent duplicate illusion of johnny tanuki, which i sent back out into the middle of the crowd so that they might not be confused by my real exit.

as i pushed the door open to leave, i watched as the illusionary johnny tanuki hopped onto the back of the illusionary phoenix, and then they rose into the air and flew over the crowd and then vanished into thin air. by the time i sensed my illusion had faded, i was already standing outside the mall, back in my normal, illusionless form. i felt very weak, and so i hailed a cab and kept his mind fogged enough so that he wasnt suspicious of my childish appearance as he drove me home.

after returning home pleased with my success but very tired, i stayed up as long as i could until fatigue finally overcame me.

over the weekend, i worked a bit on trying to organize some of my associates, but i also received an unexpected and mysterious piece of postal mail. as alan knows, the postal mail system is now under the control of corporations, and it is very inefficient and expensive to use. for this reason, it is always unusual to receive a piece of physical, postal mail, and when one does, it is usually from the government or some other entity that one would like to avoid.

in this case, the piece of mail i received was not signed at all and gave no contact information, but simply invited me to keep a look out for more letters in the mail. it outlined in brief a small organization that was trying to form itself, to help change things in society for the better. i found it very interesting, and in some strange way i look forward to hearing more. i sensed no negative energy while doing a clairvoyant identification of the source, so it seems okay for now.

anyhow, how was your weekend alan? do any more work on the soul, err, i mean, the STM????


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:20 AM EST
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Friday, 18 February 2005
taking a break
yes, youve guessed correctly, alan. ive been a bit tired lately, and so ive been trying to rest up and all. im also doing a great deal of research for my next experiment, so ill be checking back in periodically . . . no guarantees, though.


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:34 AM EST
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