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Saturday, 12 February 2005
but im confused, alan . . .
. . . did you 'feel' asleep, or did you FALL asleep?

just wondering . . . ;)

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:06 PM EST
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so alan finally awakens from his slumber. ;) im cant tell whether youre overworked or overrested half the time.

as for me, angelica and i are headed to rhode island for the day. got to meet up with a colleague of mine.

hopefully i can keep my good mood going this weekend . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:03 PM EST
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ive got the solution! . . .
. . . although it may not be what youre looking for. you say smoking and being a roboticist are not a good match?

heres a novel idea, maybe you never thought of it before ;)


Posted by Alan Cross at 2:32 AM EST
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the end of the week
well the end of the week is here for me, and nothing too spectacular is on the agenda. i managed to put angelica to sleep a bit early and i made my way over to a small bar, but i became disgusted with the atmosphere as soon as i had talked my way past the bouncers. really now, how could anyone find a mate in such a place? or rather, a quality mate? and i wonder if thats the first time an 8 year old has been allowed into a bar? its a first for me, thats for sure, but perhaps i was right in turning my back on such a night of 'fun'.

speaking of which, i assume thats where our friend alan is tonight, if im not mistaken. he enjoys the whole drinking/smoking scene, perhaps more than he should, and i havent seen him post anything today, so reason would lead me to believe that hes engaged in some sort of merrymaking.

anyhow, ive decided to give myself a small rest to reread an old classic. ive just reached the halfway point of atlas shrugged, and i cannot get over how close-minded yet brilliant ayn rand was. im sure that old witch would turn in her grave if she heard my take on society and politics. her ideas were never enough to cause a change, because her ideology only serves selfish instincts.

mine, on the other hand . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 2:21 AM EST
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Friday, 11 February 2005
lighten up!
sheesh! and you were the one telling me to lighten up earlier ;)

anyhow, i had found out about the soul transfer contraption before you told me to stop looking in those files, so technically i didnt ignore you. i just didnt mention it until now, but i see how you could misunderstand that.

if i wasnt so tired, i might be agitated by your 'shouldnt you be in bed' comment haha but you hit the nail right on the head . . .

its off to the Big Reflection for me . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:34 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 11 February 2005 4:35 AM EST
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i didnt mean to spill the beans, alan, but its just such an impressive-whilst-unconventional type of device that i thought youd be eager to talk about it!

incidentally, i didnt find that in the company research files, it was in your personal research files for some reason. ;) you must have accidentally misplaced that company research into your personal files.


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:11 AM EST
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oh come on you old man ;) dont be so sensitive. im not angry at you. i didnt mean to 'toot my horn' either, i was just stating facts.

and yes, temporal information transfer is something im currently experimenting with. i think its going quite well actually. i know you think im just an over-imaginative child though(not true), but at least im not the one researching a 'soul transfer machine'. ;)

anyway, whats the deal with phil reynolds?


Posted by Alan Cross at 3:31 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 11 February 2005 3:33 AM EST
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oh yes
oh, and i would appreciate if you didnt refer to me as 'little' or 'young boy'. i may still be confined in a childs body, but as you know my mind is far superior to any child alive, and in fact is much better than most adult minds as well.

anyhow, ill only have this 8 year old body for another few months. within a year, youll barely recognize me, and in five years time i will have the body of a young adult. my mind is advancing all the time as well.


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:28 AM EST
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our era
Topic: explanations
the reason i refer to 'our era', dr. cross, is because you and i are not living in the same era as the people reading these messages we write. i thought i told you about how i was experimenting with temporal information transfer . . . its quite exciting, i must say, to transmit these messages back to the start of the century.

if they only knew what was going on right now, alan, maybe theyd pay more attention, dont you think?


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:25 AM EST
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Thursday, 10 February 2005
fun in the sun, or the lack thereof
well i just got back from a short day trip to the beach, although as you may have guessed, all the beaches are arctic wastelands right now. angelica felt that i should get out of the house and relax for a bit, but its hard to do that when youve got important research on your mind. im not speaking with her right now because she irritated me quite a bit during the day.

anyway, as we coasted toward the atlantic, i saw kids playing in the snow and having a good time. it pains me to know that these children are ignorant of their futures, and worse than that, that nobody seems keen on informing them. but which is worse, being blissfully ignorant or having your youth robbed from you?

as for the nature vs. nurture question posed by dr. cross in a recent post, its not a simple answer. of course its a mixture of both, as there are no absolutes in nature. everything has duality to it, and that is something that doesnt need empirical evidence to prove. we can simply observe our environment to see this.

however, just because everything is dualistic in nature doesnt mean that everything is in balance. as time wears on, im tempted to think that it is in human nature to be dependent and selfish. i do try quite hard to pass it off as a product of their environment though, but when you look at video of how people treated Newgen children . . . you see humanitys true nature.

incidentally, i was looking at more news articles today (btw, congratulations to jessica dehring on her acceptance into the White House press association), except these were older news articles from the beginning of the century.

one of them spoke about how schools were starting to use electronic IDs for kids, even to the point where they might be able to buy lunch with it. everyone is incredibly worried about this, it seems, but they dont realize that this is something that becomes quite normal in the future. while it may frighten some, trust me when i say that there are many benefits to this technology. i will illustrate this later.

anyway, almost everyone in my era has GPS ID implants, especially any suspected Newgen. isnt that right, dr. cross?


Posted by Alan Cross at 11:56 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 11 February 2005 12:01 AM EST
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