well, its too bad that dr. cross isnt confident in his own creations! why, nanosurgery has been going on for years now, and if you all only knew the kinds of demented research that other Newgens undergo in the hands of the puppet masters . . . youd certainly feel a bit more sympathy when driving past a labor camp. but i am not concerned, because all evil men will eventually meet their judge . . . one day, ill cut the strings and set the puppets free.
but anyway, i was sitting on a bench today, testing my effect on people and machines, and i seem to be getting quite good at 'ghosting' myself. you see, no buses or taxis stopped for me at all, even though i was clearly standing in plain sight. a few people even tried to sit down on me as i sat on the bench.
then i tested the opposite effect, to see how many people i could draw in. my success was great, but now im trying to think of a way to get easy access to any and all computer networks. my GPSID is pretty good, but i need to expand its functioning capacity . . .
anyhow, as i sat there testing my abilities, i saw a homeless man walking towards me. now, you dont need to see to know the man was homeless, you could smell him. although im sure the story of his life is long and complicated, i cant help but feeling conflicted: our society creates these conditions and does nothing to fix them, but at the same time i was very disappointed in this mans lack of responsibility.
i avoided eye contact, almost positive that this man had picked up my psychic bait from miles away. he mustve sensed how good of a person i am. anyway, he asked me for 60 cents so he could catch a train, and although i knew that he was lying, i reached into my pocket and found exactly 60 cents.
im not stupid enough to think that he could actually pay for a train fare with 60 cents, or worse yet, with hard cash. these days, coins are mostly good on the black market, due to their lack of scrutiny by authorities.
but as i sat there, allowing this miscreant to fool me, something dawned on me and i felt that the man might be right . . . after all, why in the hell should all transactions be under surveillance? its things like this that tempt me to join the civilian league.
and alan, i will kindly observe your suggestion to not 'snoop' around in your files(im not a crook you know, you dont have to worry). i would hope that you dont mention the age issue again, though. that was very thoughtless on your part.
Posted by Alan Cross
at 3:46 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 3:48 PM EST