well the end of the week is here for me, and nothing too spectacular is on the agenda. i managed to put angelica to sleep a bit early and i made my way over to a small bar, but i became disgusted with the atmosphere as soon as i had talked my way past the bouncers. really now, how could anyone find a mate in such a place? or rather, a quality mate? and i wonder if thats the first time an 8 year old has been allowed into a bar? its a first for me, thats for sure, but perhaps i was right in turning my back on such a night of 'fun'.
speaking of which, i assume thats where our friend alan is tonight, if im not mistaken. he enjoys the whole drinking/smoking scene, perhaps more than he should, and i havent seen him post anything today, so reason would lead me to believe that hes engaged in some sort of merrymaking.
anyhow, ive decided to give myself a small rest to reread an old classic. ive just reached the halfway point of atlas shrugged, and i cannot get over how close-minded yet brilliant ayn rand was. im sure that old witch would turn in her grave if she heard my take on society and politics. her ideas were never enough to cause a change, because her ideology only serves selfish instincts.
mine, on the other hand . . .
Posted by Alan Cross
at 2:21 AM EST