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Tuesday, 15 February 2005
stepping stones
Topic: big reflection
seeing as though i nearly stayed up the whole weekend, i felt compelled to take a short trip to the Big Reflection earlier(shortly after my last post), but i suppose it was for a reason. what i saw is something that occurs in the Big Reflection on occasion, and it is a type of dream where i am not completely in control, which is how the average person dreams.

you see, the view is quite amazing, because i can see a vast expanse of endlessness, but in this case thats not a bad thing. everything is very misty and verdant, quite rainforest-like but more inviting and tranquil. i can see various viewpoints at various times, and i have noticed an increasing sequence of plateau like 'stepping stones'.

my adventures in the Big Reflection occur sequentially, and ever so often i come up to a large mountain range or plateau in my dreams, which usually presents--along with its own hassles--a great set of obstacles for me to overcome. it has occurred to me that each time i successfully climb one of these 'stepping stones', i look back down at what i have left behind. what is behind me is always worse looking than what lies ahead of me.

interestingly enough, though, i occasionally get an 'aerial' view of things, if you will. during this i can see far in front of me, and i can see the progressively larger obstacles that lie ahead.

in the Big Reflection tonight, i saw farther than i have ever seen, and it was bright and perfect. it seemed like a worthy goal, but when i thought this i immediately realized that it wasnt the final 'stepping stone'. it couldnt be. darkness always follows light, and it just seemed too perfect.

over time, the meaning of all this will manifest itself to me. it just takes time, but tonight i finally scaled another plateau, and im on a new level. i need to take things one step further now.

anyhow, where are you alan? im guessing that you passed out as soon as you crossed the threshold . . . or maybe you just passed out in your mag-car when it arrived at your house. :) im curious to hear about the testing yesterday.

as for now, im returning to the Big Reflection. i just had to express my last visit in words.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:40 AM EST
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