well, alan, your last post certainly was the epitome of incoherency. no offense, but that is why such things do not appeal to me in any sense, and i imagine they never will. but to each his own . . .
anyhow, today i had to let angelica go free . . . not as if i was holding her captive anyway, but you understand my meaning. i could no longer let myself feel responsible for her welfare and entertainment while i am deeply immersed in research and other important matters. angelica simply is not meant for this lifestyle, and i see that now. she was simply to needy, but then again i cannot blame her for being attracted to me. my charisma is a bit too much for the average female, especially one so plain and simply beautiful, like angelica.
my lack of regret didnt suprise, nor did my lack of sadness. the woman is simply better off forgetting about me, and it took quite an effort on my part to make her do so.
here departure was also a necessary evil if i am to advance my plans to the next level, if i am to bring my physical awareness up to the same steppe as my astral awareness.
sooooo alan, HOW was the testing for gods sake? i can sense youre still alive, so i wont joke about you dying from all that drinking . . .
Posted by Alan Cross
at 11:29 PM EST