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Sunday, 27 February 2005
when will they learn?
Topic: humanity
well, ive been up for quite some time now. my day certainly was interesting . . . allow me to explain:

i was riding in an auto cab down i-95, out of the city and to a random public area where i planned perform more of my illusion testing. when i stopped at small convenience store just off the highway exit, i noticed in the distance a large, beastly man leaning into his car and shaking someone violently. no one seemed to take note of this(as is common in our era, where strangers are practically aliens to each other). i pointed this out to the cab operator, but he cited the liability clauses of his employer and of the state.

i duly noted what he said as i exited the auto cab and inconspicuously walked into the store, going quickly into the bathroom. in there, i put on an illusionary form and i tested its adaptability. it suited me well, but as i exited the bathroom, i knew i would have to try and use more extravagent means of fooling the beast outside.

i stepped out of the door quickly and began walking towards the man at full stride. it was only at the last second that the stupid brute noticed me, and he looked up with a fist cocked back, temporarily restrained from its target in the car so that his primitive mind could focus on the added factor of me into the equation. i was standing on the opposite side of the car, and i simply said, "EXCUSE me," and he says, "what?"

at this point i smiled slightly--not using telepathy--and pointed behind him, asking, "whats that?"

he turned around and noticed the large bear that i had spawned from behind another car. at this point, things began to get really interesting, seeing as though

well, it seems im getting tired. i keep getting distracted by things, and i need to get back to sleep. i was very worn out by todays experiment. i shall complete the story later.


Posted by Alan Cross at 7:58 AM EST
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