Topic: things yet to come
i wouldnt go play chess with wyles, alan . . . thats just my recommendation. i dont think the man is stable. he seems willing to do anything to forward himself and his peers. its not a good situation. wyles-crowley is in a doomed position. does alexander crowley realize this? of course you ought not say anything unless it comes up . . . mentioning it could make things unnecessarily complicated. as for your genetic sample, yes, i know that wyles is aware of it. but thats not what hes interested in, i dont think. it disturbs him, because he can imagine why youre doing it, just as i can . . .
anyhow, wyles wants to steal your work and make money off of it by selling it to the military. can i make it more clear? how would you feel about hundreds of thousands of prometheus androida on the battlefield, helping to extend the stranglehold held by the American Federation? i hardly think you would be keen to seeing your androids become the strong point for the most oppressive military force ever put into existence . . . in that sense, wyles could care less about cyber-augs; he wants the prometheus androids, and he wants the money and credit associated with selling them.
do you want that?
i would avoid wyles as much as possible, however, you must realize that some aspects of our futures are indeed predetermined. just be cautious, my friend, no matter how harmless wyles appears. i can tell you for sure that crowley is a trustworthy man, but still not as virtuous as yourself. your future will indeed be a good one; i know you will still worry, as you are prone to do, but please be level-headed as well. thats one of your better traits as a human . . .
heed my warnings, please. things are indeed 'going to shit' as you put it in your recent post . . . quite a bit more than you may realize. the elite clandestine group that you and your colleagues aim to take down are not the only problem, theyre just part of it . . . you must realize there are other outside forces, from different realms, and they are the problem. just as a puppet appears to move by its own accord, when one looks up they can see the puppetmaster . . . it is the same with the dark figure that has visited us both. they are using us, they are trying to fool us with their abilities. they think we earthlings--newgen or not--are weak. they want us to buy into the illusion of reality they have made for us.
i refuse to let them do so.
they are weak.
i am strong.
they cannot stop me.
Posted by Alan Cross
at 1:20 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 April 2005 1:26 AM EDT