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Saturday, 2 April 2005
Topic: explanations
to answer your question, alan, ill make it quite simple.

since i have a good idea of when you are active in posting, i simply do not bother to post at any other time except in rare occasions(like now). anyhow, ive been doing quite well recently, my friend . . . how have you been? you werent around for nearly the whole week . . . still a bit ungrounded from your recent experiences?

anyhow, im up for the day now . . . perhaps ill post more later, but i doubt it.


Posted by Alan Cross at 7:26 AM EST
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Monday, 28 March 2005
hey there alan
Topic: miscellaneous
well, alan, i didnt mean to confuse you like that! i was just looking over some of the performance graphs and tables on your network; i dont know what number nine actually looks like ;) hopefully youll show me at some point; theyre made in your image, arent they?

anyhow, that is quite amazing about that strange intruder in your yard . . . it almost sounds identical to the thing that i see. mine does not quite look like a man, though, at least not to me . . . see alan, maybe im not crazy, huh? ;) but really, i think that since we can both see this sort of thing, were really sort of special actually. no offense, but i didnt think youd be able to see such things . . . i thought it might just be a Newgen thing or something even unique to me. guess not :/

as for micky michaels, yes, perhaps i should have said 'autistic'. retarded sounds a bit harsh, i admit. im beginning to wonder what you asked . . . why does this micky kid get so much publicity? it seems like they should be scooping him up and off to a Newgen re-education facility. about the dead animal revival stuff, etc . . . thats what ive heard, but i dont know how much to believe. he couldnt really do that, right?

as for my travels, i was visiting a few people. i actually saw jessica dehring for a bit, as well . . . im just trying to get some people together to start networking. i figure it can slowly grow . . . we can change things for the better, you know? but we all have to work together. i think all our fates are weaved together somehow . . . but who knows.

anyhow, im off for the night/day . . . talk to you more later. i may be out doing some social experiments later . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:47 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 28 March 2005 6:49 AM EST
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Saturday, 26 March 2005
hey, i beat you ;)
Topic: travels
:) i had to do it again, alan, forgive me. i knew you were going to post. and call me crazy, but its probably something unusual for you, no?

anyhow, i just got back from a trip around the country. i was meeting up with several friends of mine and trying to organize some things for later this year. its hard to believe it nearly spring already, isnt it, alan? at the rate im growing right now, it seems as though i can expect my body to develop to that of a young man by years end.

also, on a minor side note, have you ever heard of a boy named micky michaels? hes some supposedly extraordinary retarded child . . . i cant quite get a hold of him, though, which is very inconvenient. id just love to chat with him.

well, anyway, i just wanted to say hello in a creative way ;) talk to you later, alan, im getting a snack; my sleep schedule is way off. im going to the Big Reflection in a few . . . ive got to make some stops, you could say ;)

oh, and model nine looks quite nice, doctor! until next time . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 7:47 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 26 March 2005 7:50 AM EST
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Tuesday, 22 March 2005
Topic: big reflection
"well, rex, its good that you werent pestered anymore by that strange presence . . . thats pretty creepy. i dont know what id do if one of them was hanging around my house."

well, alan, how do you know there arent any strange beings hanging around your house? trust me, theres all sorts of things going on that people cant see . . . i mean, i can see it, but just be content that you cant.

ignorance can be bliss, my friend. anyhow, im going to sleep . . . night!


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:56 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 March 2005 4:59 AM EST
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Topic: miscellaneous
well, this is strange. the post i made monday afternoon got deleted, so im reposting it. but i really made this post yesterday . . .

good day . . . hello alan, folks . . . the rest of my weekend was fine, and i didnt have anymore 'unsettling' encounters, at least not in the physical realm of our waking hours.

and to reply to your earlier post, yes . . . i did see what the figure looked like; as i said, i cant get the image out of my head. it was seemingly a complete mass of darkness, but it seemed to have volume, and its silhouette billowed around its center. it was almost like a living soot loud. it was so strange to see . . . the center of the being seemed to be illuminated, but very dimly i should say . . . and the face(if one could call it that) was rather dark as well, but the eyes and mouth were the darkest of all . . the eyes were like sunken craters and his mouth was like an oil slick as it spread across his countenance.

anyhow, what did you and rich chat about on your little clandestine lunch?? ;) why do you need to talk to a geneticist about an android??

for now, i must go however . . . i shall return later.


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:52 AM EST
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Saturday, 19 March 2005
i know, i know . . .
. . . you think im crazy, alan, but trust me on this . . . and suppose your dream interpretation is true? i mean, theres a lot of 'maybes' in there . . .

i saw it, i felt its presence, it made a sound like a strong breeze across my ears as it disappeared from sight. i sensed it, experienced this. it was reality.

anyhow, ive got to get back to bed . . . thats good that youre relearning chinese, alan.

zaijian, cross xiansheng . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:55 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 19 March 2005 7:08 AM EST
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Topic: big reflection
yes, alan, in fact, i just woke up . . . it took me a minute to realize that i was truly awake. but you see, i saw someone in here earlier, alan. just a few moments ago, actually. it didnt feel right . . . and i dont feel a presence anymore, but . . .

see, i was just in the Big Reflection, except it seemed different this time. i could see an endless series of realms above me, and so i looked down to my feet to ground myself, so to speak. when i did this, the ground below me began crumbling away into a glowing redness, and then finally into pure darkness . . .

so i turned my head back to the clouds, and i tried raising myself up. as i did this, i heard a familiar voice jeering at me. "you cannot go that way," they said, "thats not the way you should go." and i felt a million invisible fingertips dragging me down, and i would look down and see the ground crumbling away further, and i would try to ignore it, looking back up toward the brightness. i yearned for the light, and i did get closer . . . i saw myself rising through the different realms, higher and higher until suddenly the light was too bright, and i was repelled. i lost my strength and began to fall, but those million fingertips were there to catch me, and grasp me, and pull me back down to the ground, but there was no ground now, just an abyss which swirled with blackness.

then i woke up.

you see, i have the living room lights on a good deal of the time, even while sleeping, but i do keep the lights in the bedroom off. so, after i woke up a short while ago, i got up and left my room(without needing the light . . . one just gets used to space after a while) and i went to the bathroom, strangely affected by my bizarre Big Reflection experience. but then, i walked back to my bedroom and pushed open the door, and almost instinctively--as if still yearning for the brightness--i switched the light on . . .

in that split second of first light, when the blackness suddenly recedes, i saw that figure sitting in my computer chair, smiling at me, but almost before i could register this thought, it had fled out of the room with the rest of the darkness . . . but that grin just seemed to etch itself into the reality before my eyes, to burn itself into my retinas . . . i still can barely get it out of my mind as i sit here typing.

im still awake, right? so i mean, it couldnt have been a dream. thats the figure that spoke to me before, and probably the voice in the Big Reflection earlier . . . but that being is nothing. hes nothing to me.

nothing at all.


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:33 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 19 March 2005 6:42 AM EST
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Friday, 18 March 2005
Topic: miscellaneous
ahaha alan, thats hysterical. it looks like youve developed a sense of humor in your androids, eh? i was asleep long before you posted that message, just enjoying the Big Reflection. anyhow, happy st. patricks day to you too . . . ill be back later.

i assume you are out getting completely destroyed at a bar somewhere . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:19 AM EST
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Thursday, 17 March 2005
erin go bragh
Topic: society
how is it going, you ask? quite gray and dull on my end, actually, but everything else is fine it seems. ;) ive been getting in touch with several legislators over the past few days, and its been somewhat hard without using my charm at all . . . but i did end up reaching some of them after trying again. ive been hoping to get a chance to visit some of them, but after talking with them, i decided to focus on a more local level government.

im going to see what itll take to get a tour of city hall here, and i also would like to meet the mayor. i may use some charm if necessary . . . after all, in order to make a wave youve got to start with a splash, so i figure that i can help try to make this city a model for the rest of the nation. itll be some serious work, though . . . and i will ask people for their help. i dont see why they would refuse, though . . .

anyhow, im going to bed, talk to you later, alan.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:01 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 17 March 2005 5:03 AM EST
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hey alan . . .
. . . still awake? just curious what youre up to . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:40 AM EST
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