Topic: 'reality'
alan, i should rephrase what i said in my last post . . . i was referring to the car that followed you out of the wyles-crowley parking lot; that was me. after i had started following you, i realized you were a bit uneasy, to say the least. still, i could not show myself for reason that i might risk exposing our link. so you see, being sneaky is good for some things . . .
as for the strange figure in your back yard, i can swear to you that it was not me by any stretch . . . just ask your androids . . . dont worry, i wont be popping up at your house in some creepy disguise, and i didnt do it in the first place. i understand why you might have thought so, though . . .
anyhow, ive been really learning a bit about the way society is being run, alan. its terribly interesting, and i cannot seem to stop learning. its all harmless, and hopefully even beneficial. i was just taking an informal tour of wyles-crowley under an assumed identity, and naturally i had to speak with john wyles a bit, but he doesnt know who i am. he also has no idea that i know you, so theres nothing to be irritated about. i may even stop back in at wyles-crowley soon . . . but really, there are so many offsite contractors and military personnel going to and fro that i will remain quite anonymous. we ought to keep it that way as well, for the sake of our anonymity.
anyhow, im going off the Big Reflection . . . since you informally invited me to drop by your house sometime, i will formally invite you to come visit me in the Big Reflection sometime . . .
good night[morning]!
Posted by Alan Cross
at 8:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 18 April 2005 8:09 AM EDT