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Wednesday, 9 February 2005
for goodness sake
Topic: alan cross
for the sake of all thats good, did i not tell you all to expect something amazing from dr. cross?
Leyden skin!
you see, you should pay more attention to your hunches, and more so your dreams . . . only dreams can reveal those things you hide from yourself in waking hours. after all, how can one fool themselves if they are already overwhelmed by a realm that easily unveils their subtlest and most secret desire ?

i just didnt expect this to happen until a later point, and this makes me wonder what other mechanical marvels he has in the making, and what else may be the real surprise.

i often wish that i wasnt so accurate all the time, i mean after all, nothing is a surprise to me anymore. of course this has taken time to develop, and in the past i had to focus harder to go from the general to the specific, to what specifically involved me or those who affected me. by 'affected', i mean that i enjoyed these humans company more than that of an average human, even to a great extent with a few(dr. cross stands in this rank).

all of these people are beings that i respect greatly, and therefore i always have them in my thoughts and in my dreams, i watch out for them. this goes for you too, dr. cross! ive got my eye on you ;)

all this considered, i also have immense respect for non-intervention policies, and therefore i can do no more than simply watch over my comrades.

but nevermind all that, i just had to get a word in about dr. crosss amazing new research development. i look forward to hearing more; perhaps in the future we can work together on something, alan.


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:42 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 1:47 AM EST
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a thousand thanks to the thoughtful roboticist
Topic: alan cross
i must admit that i am sorry i didnt post a note sooner, but i had been distracted by other issues floating in the forefront of my mind . . .

cheers to dr. cross for allowing me access to his spectacular computer resources. he has also allowed me significant freedom to express my thoughts and opinions, and i look forward to more debate with this incredibly skilled and under-appreciated scientist. the vastness of his research network is enough to get lost in, and his information preservation project is helping to preserve this treasure for future generations. something tells me they might need it . . .

anyhow, i see great things coming from the labs of alan cross . . . if my dreams are any indicator(which they most usually are), then id say we are in for some excitement in the field of robotics.

hopefully everything works out for the best.

once again, my gratitude to this great man. he is one of few g-men that i really respect, although it is quite a stretch to say he is a real g-man(and thats a compliment).

-rex reinhard

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:26 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 12:29 AM EST
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the double-edged sword of 'disease'
Topic: Newgen
i've come down with a bit of a cold, but luckily for me, the benefits of the Newgen syndrome have made my sickness all the more bearable. you see, Newgen directly affects every gene in a carriers body, so that when any sort of parasite or pest tries weaseling its way past the immune system, Newgen is there to assimilate it. incidentally, Newgen creates an immediate immunity to these diseases, which is consequently made permanent in the genetic code. over several generations, all the Newgen carriers will be immune to any common illness. double this effect with my superior knowledge of Newgen and other pathological topics, and i am essentially immune to disease.

however, in my time, some say that the Newgen syndrome is going to be the downfall of humanity. certainly, this is the first time anyone has heard of the 'disease' at all, so let me inform you well, because the changes are already taking place and will be fully noticeable within a half century.

i am by far the most affected, the most INfected of all Newgen 'victims'. this was made very clear to me from a young age while my father struggled with his genetic pathology experiments. humanity should have thanked the man, but they would have strung him up had i not taken precautions to protect his identity. after going off on my own, he had died mysteriously, just as my mother had. the key difference and the hint of outside involvment was the fact that my father had committed suicide with two shots to the side of his head. as any intelligent person knows, one shot is more than enough to kill a man, so how does the second shot go off so precisely? from a second shooter, of course.

anyhow, my father had shown to me that my condition was not one to worry about or to be ashamed of, but rather that i was in superior position. after my flight from my fathers obsessively-protective care and away from my government stalkers, the assertion that i was a new, superior type of human began to make even more sense. i had the center for disease control, the pentagon, and various other government agencies in search of me. one might think i had committed a heinous capitol offense to receive such attention, but i assure you that although i was far superior to other children my age, i was in no way a threat to mankind's survival. mankind was its own hindrance.

it is not common for a child of six years old to be so astute and able, but i guess those are just the the side effects of that 'catastrophic' disease known as Newgen.

some day, people will understand the reality of what's going on. some day, i will make all people see . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:11 AM EST
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Tuesday, 8 February 2005
unbelievable, i tell you
Mood:  irritated
Topic: this site
for the sake of humanity, what the hell is wrong with this blog builder? i had to create a second blog altogether just in order for the edit feature to work.

it is now undeniable that i will ignore the tech support people when they reply to my embarassing email. for humanitys sake, i should have figured that i would inevitably figure it out myself.

it is situations like these that make me understand the value of silence.

alright, im done.

Posted by Alan Cross at 8:06 AM EST
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