Topic: society
this fucking world is in some dire need of some changes . . . everyone focuses so much on this country helping the rest of the world, but a good portion of the worlds problems would have never started without the intervention of europeans first, and now americans.
how can a country claim to spread freedom and civilization around the world when they cannot even fix the problems in their own country? how can they stop poverty and famine and pestilence in other countries without first getting control of the problems within their own borders?
ive read two articles recently by the brilliant jessica dehring of the international news network. in the one, she comments on the obvious fact that looming federal budget cuts will affect communities nationwide. now i know that jessica has her assignments given to her, so she is outside of the circle of blame on this idiotic article.
its the people who caused these budget problems in the first place(many of them are top dogs at the international news network and other media giants, buying their way into politicians pockets) that need to be strung up. some people in this country deserve better leadership, they deserve accountability and trustworthiness in leaders.
but i will admit that there is a select few genuinely good politicians, and when i say 'good politicians', i mean people who dedicate their lives to improving this country. the remainder of 'politicians' are just businessmen and megalomaniacs, trying to take as much for themselves as they can without letting the masses see. this disappoints me greatly.
this goes for the civilians in this country as well. most of them are equally as responsible for allowing their leaders to pull the wool over their eyes. they constantly follow everything they hear and read . . . it makes me realize how impressionable the mass mind is.
moving on, jessica dehring stays objective in her reporting a hate crime inflicted upon a teenage girl by a random old woman. this old woman kidnapped the young girl, tied her up, and chopped off her hands because of the tattoos that were displayed.
if i were in control, this old woman would rot in a prison cell for the rest of her life. as an extra psychological punishment, she would have her whole body tattooed, to remind her of the intolerant hate crime that she executed on an innocent young girl. and now this young girl will be disfigured for the rest of her life . . . situations like these make me wish that dr. crosss Leyden skin could be used cybernetically.
anyway, its people like this young girl that im concerned about. children, adolescents, some teenagers, and fewer adults . . . people who are either innocent or trying to make things better. thats who im looking out for.
Posted by Alan Cross
at 11:54 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 11:56 PM EST