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Tuesday, 15 February 2005
global consciousness
Topic: nature/the universe
well, my weekend wasnt as fruitful as i had thought. the friend i was going to visit in rhode island sort of disappeared by the time me and angelica arrived there. it was rather odd, especially since he and i had already discussed my visit. and its not as though he were avoiding me, since i have a knack for finding people and seeing past lies. his roommate at school was equally as confused about the disappearance, although he said he figured that my friend mightve been staying at his girlfriends . . .

. . . until monday that is. my friend, who i will refer to only as marc, returned an email to me and apologized up and down for his absence. he told me how strange his weekend had been, and how he had lost his memory of where he had been. all he had was a train ticket stub that led him to believe that he had visited his family.

he said that there was a phrase that kept running through his head, though . . . "silence is golden."

during our stay at his apartment(his roommate was more than accomodating albeit a bit confused), i tried to tap into marcs energy traces. his roommate told me that marc disappeared on the way to a bar on friday night, but that marc often went off without notice, only to spend a few days at his girlfriends.

i followed marcs path to the bar as best as i could, and a series of strange images flashed through my mind when i neared the bar which was to be his destination. in my mind, i saw images of a van pulling up slowly while marc was unaware, and then i saw several darkly clad men hustling him into the vehicle and driving off. the biggest clue as to who the abductors were was the fact that the van was a manually-controlled surface vehicle(that is, using wheels as a means of locomotion) . . .

as alan knows(but you folks may not), all vehicles in our era are automated and magnetically guided on specially designed roads which repel the charge of the vehicle. the exception to this rule, and the only legal way for a vehicle to be operated manually, is if they are government vehicles.

i get the feeling that there is much more to it than just a simple kidnapping and harassment (marc just published a very controversial dissertation) . . . i have told marc before that i can detect traces of Newgen blood in him, but he tends to ignore that talk. it is true though, i assure you, although he isnt 100% Newgen like myself.

anyhow, alan, how did the testing go today? i imagine luck fell in your favor, as it usually seems to . . . and youre not even a Newgen ;) you must either be catching up on sleep or out celebrating with friend(s). i rarely, if ever, seem to find you asleep during the same hours as me, though.

anyhow, ill keep you updated on my friends strange series of events.


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:29 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 February 2005 1:33 AM EST
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Monday, 14 February 2005
yes . . .
. . . indeed i am back. we returned home around two hours ago. things in rhode island didnt work out quite as well as i had planned, but thats alright.

what is with morons trying to drive manually, alan? some imbecile nearly ran us off the highway on our way home. hopefully the authorities caught him, and though i usually dont support federal laws, in this case i couldnt agree more. manually operating a vehicle is like suicide . . . its so old-fashioned and pointless. i mean, heck, who wouldnt want the traffic grid? traffic jams stopped once humans surrendered control to computers.

when will humans realize that they can not do everything well?

soon i hope . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:16 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 14 February 2005 1:17 AM EST
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Saturday, 12 February 2005
but im confused, alan . . .
. . . did you 'feel' asleep, or did you FALL asleep?

just wondering . . . ;)

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:06 PM EST
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so alan finally awakens from his slumber. ;) im cant tell whether youre overworked or overrested half the time.

as for me, angelica and i are headed to rhode island for the day. got to meet up with a colleague of mine.

hopefully i can keep my good mood going this weekend . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:03 PM EST
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ive got the solution! . . .
. . . although it may not be what youre looking for. you say smoking and being a roboticist are not a good match?

heres a novel idea, maybe you never thought of it before ;)


Posted by Alan Cross at 2:32 AM EST
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the end of the week
well the end of the week is here for me, and nothing too spectacular is on the agenda. i managed to put angelica to sleep a bit early and i made my way over to a small bar, but i became disgusted with the atmosphere as soon as i had talked my way past the bouncers. really now, how could anyone find a mate in such a place? or rather, a quality mate? and i wonder if thats the first time an 8 year old has been allowed into a bar? its a first for me, thats for sure, but perhaps i was right in turning my back on such a night of 'fun'.

speaking of which, i assume thats where our friend alan is tonight, if im not mistaken. he enjoys the whole drinking/smoking scene, perhaps more than he should, and i havent seen him post anything today, so reason would lead me to believe that hes engaged in some sort of merrymaking.

anyhow, ive decided to give myself a small rest to reread an old classic. ive just reached the halfway point of atlas shrugged, and i cannot get over how close-minded yet brilliant ayn rand was. im sure that old witch would turn in her grave if she heard my take on society and politics. her ideas were never enough to cause a change, because her ideology only serves selfish instincts.

mine, on the other hand . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 2:21 AM EST
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Friday, 11 February 2005
lighten up!
sheesh! and you were the one telling me to lighten up earlier ;)

anyhow, i had found out about the soul transfer contraption before you told me to stop looking in those files, so technically i didnt ignore you. i just didnt mention it until now, but i see how you could misunderstand that.

if i wasnt so tired, i might be agitated by your 'shouldnt you be in bed' comment haha but you hit the nail right on the head . . .

its off to the Big Reflection for me . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:34 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 11 February 2005 4:35 AM EST
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i didnt mean to spill the beans, alan, but its just such an impressive-whilst-unconventional type of device that i thought youd be eager to talk about it!

incidentally, i didnt find that in the company research files, it was in your personal research files for some reason. ;) you must have accidentally misplaced that company research into your personal files.


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:11 AM EST
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oh come on you old man ;) dont be so sensitive. im not angry at you. i didnt mean to 'toot my horn' either, i was just stating facts.

and yes, temporal information transfer is something im currently experimenting with. i think its going quite well actually. i know you think im just an over-imaginative child though(not true), but at least im not the one researching a 'soul transfer machine'. ;)

anyway, whats the deal with phil reynolds?


Posted by Alan Cross at 3:31 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 11 February 2005 3:33 AM EST
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oh yes
oh, and i would appreciate if you didnt refer to me as 'little' or 'young boy'. i may still be confined in a childs body, but as you know my mind is far superior to any child alive, and in fact is much better than most adult minds as well.

anyhow, ill only have this 8 year old body for another few months. within a year, youll barely recognize me, and in five years time i will have the body of a young adult. my mind is advancing all the time as well.


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:28 AM EST
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