Topic: experiments/research
well, today i decided that i would make the best of my newfound freedom, and so i decided to test a variety of my abilites in public. this is an account of what i did today, alan . . .
you are certainly aware alan, that in our era, children cannot go anywhere in public unsupervised or without permission. this is enforced by tracking children through their GPS ID implants, which contain a different data signature than adolescent and adult implants. in this way, they can better assure that children arent 'truants'(but as you can imagine, it is not the main reason. simply put, control is the main reason). but there are ways around this, but they are available mainly to myself and the few other Newgens around that werent 'cured' by the government.
well, luckily for me, i do not need to go to school, and i would be insulted at the suggestion. however, i am quite a responsible didact, and i can learn in more ways than just in the classroom.
so i decided to take a field trip of sorts to the mall, but although most people would be tempted to bask in that materialist waste repository, i decided to do an experiment. this experiment was intended to test the strength of my illusory effect, but as you will read, it became a battery of various other skills as well(much to my delight).
my goal was somewhat simple at first: approach a woman under the guise of an attractive man and succeed in getting her phone number(strictly experimental though, not for personal gain).
of course, since i cannot see my own illusory effects(i prefer the term 'psychic camouflage', as this term does not carry such a negative connotation), i relied completely on peoples physical and mental reactions to judge my success.
upon seeing my intended participant in the distance, i walked into a recess to my right and concentrated my best on visualizing who i would become, while at the same time keeping a mental picture of how close my participant was.
as soon as she was within 10 feet, i stepped out and casually turned in her direction, with a slight smile already creeping across my face. we were so close to collision that she instinctively dropped her bags as i had planned, and i smiled widely (but not mockingly or arrogantly) and apologized, picking them up but not handing them back to her yet. this was the incentive for her to stay and talk with me, and from the way she was staring at me, i could tell she didnt see a childs face and body in front of her. using a clairvoyance of sorts, i looked into the contents of her bag and noticed that some at the bottoms had been broken or otherwise damaged.
i said i was terribly sorry and that i would love make it up to her with a coffee or a drink sometime, my treat. this suggestion that i would 'treat her' might seem strange to older folks living in the past(literally), so let me enlighten. the trend for a while after the turn of the century was that women actually had taken on the supporter role more and more frequently, as men had been doing traditionally for centuries.
over time, women grew weary of this (understandably so, my fellows) and it became balanced out. men neednt feel obligated toward being the 'supporter' anymore, and if a man offers, women are usually quite tickled. with the increased impersonality and detachment of my society, gender roles become more blurred as men and women are mandatorily kept quite equal in many ways. essentially, gentle(wo)manly behavior isnt really predictable, so whoever offers is usually gracefully rejected, and then they agree to 'mutually contribute'.
anyhow, now that ive given an impromptu sociology lesson, let me get back to things. this woman not only kindly refused my offer, but she in fact offered to treat me. i accepted, and suavely asked for her phone number to enter into my handheld, and she requested mine as well. i rattled off a false number without a hitch, and it was accurate in regards to the area code where we resided.
we had a few other words of small talk, during which time she said that i resembled johnny tanuki, the not-very-japanese looking entertainer (sorry, only alan knows whom i speak of). after this brief chat we parted, and i made my way to a bench to rest and gather my thoughts before my next experiment.
this i will post a short while, because i feel the need for a small snack, even though i shouldnt eat so close to going to the Big Reflection. but i shall!
i will return shortly,
Posted by Alan Cross
at 4:24 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 17 February 2005 4:27 AM EST