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Tuesday, 8 March 2005
so alan . . .
Topic: experiments/research
you still havent said anything about the experiment? if the past is any indicator at all, id assume that you had too much to drink last night, and that you didnt really do anything at all today except be lazy and hungover . . . am i right? ;)

anyhow, ill give you some slack because youre such a model citizen, as well a brilliant scientist.

anyhow, ill briefly explain my travels to you . . . saturday morning, around 4 AM, i showed up at laguardia international airport, completely going with the flow of reality. i didnt feel like making extensive plans, or sticking to a schedule too much.

i first decided to make my first stop in london, so i made my way to the international terminal and looked for a lone woman to chat with. i found her easily, a rather tall, slender woman of 45, though she could have easily passed for 30. she was very well-dressed(like most people who are totally conformed to our society) and to the average man, perhaps intimidating. for me, not at all; the woman simply adored me and my youthful energy, as well as my ability to discuss any topic with her, even subjects that the average adult knows nothing about.

i chatted with her for so long that when it came time to board the plane, i walked up to the ticket counter with her. as she was asked for the boarding passes, i created an illusion with which to show the security officer at the gate . . . he wanted to see it, though, and this worried me a bit. i brushed my worries aside, however, and handed over the non-existent ticket. he looked it over and then tried to scan it!

then an alarm went off . . . this caused some commotion, so i put all my energy into making the masses ignore the raucous. in my haste, i lost focus of my illusionary plane ticket, and the security officer fell into confusion. i decided it best to capitalize on his confusion and to distract him with a false security call on his radio. he went running off, away from the alarm, and in the commotion(Which i had quelled a bit), i shut down the alarm system with my GPS ID remote capability.

the woman i had been chatting with was still waiting for me, apparently under some sort of spell, and so i went back to her, and she didnt question me at all. its great, alan, that strange effect i tend to have on women. they just melt like butter when they see me, but yet i dont abuse my power over them. everything i do is for the good of all humanity, which is why i am so adamant to take such risks.

anyhow, the woman i was with, maria, she was stopped at the gate again, and they asked where my ticket was. upon being asked, she pulled out her pocketbook and flashed her national security bureau(NSB) badge and became very impatient and firm with the security officers . . . of course, they are required to let any government or private intelligence agents to travel without hassle, as well as the ability to bring guests and/or prisoners. in this case, i was a guest.

so, maria and i boarded the plane with no problem, and we chatted for the whole two hour flight to london . . . once we got off the plane, i followed her to customs in order so that i could conserve my abilities by not using them frivolously. after being cleared for entrance into the united kingdom(quite a funny name, isnt it?) i wiped her memories of me and i disappeared into the crowds at heathrow airport. my plan had thus far worked perfectly.

ill enlighten you more later as to the rest of my itinerary and how i enjoyed my travels. hopefully youll post something about prometheus 08, alan!


Posted by Alan Cross at 11:41 PM EST
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Topic: travels
well, hello friends, how have your weekends been? mine was certainly a busy one . . . its not easy seeing so much of the world in two days, though ;)

anyhow, alan, how did the test with prometheus 08 go? thats an interesting fluke about how you shorted 08 out, and he reactivated himself immediately. does that mean his nano-maintenance systems were self-aware before you made them so? it sounds like he just repaired himself without being told so . . .

alright, well i may retire a bit early, but ill be up a bit longer still . . . im incredibly exhausted by all the moving around all weekend . . . it was quite a time, really.


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:14 AM EST
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Friday, 4 March 2005
heres the thing
Topic: experiments/research
"and how exactly are you thinking of getting on a plane by yourself?", alan asks.

well, itll be easy finding an adult (most likely female) that i can tag along with. it shouldnt be any harder than usual to sneak past the ultra-security, making myself invisible or simply making bystanders forget they saw me. i almost prefer deciding these things on the spot; i seem to work well under a bit of pressure. it will be a complex plan to some extent, ill have to sort out some things beforehand, but not everything.

hopefully the next time we talk, ill be a certified international traveler . . . not something your average american can say, huh? ;)


Posted by Alan Cross at 10:16 AM EST
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so, are you going to work today, alan, or staying down in the lab to work on prometheus 8?

im curious, alan, have you ever traveled outside the country? it seems like an interesting endeavor, and ive been trying to think of a way to attempt some international travel. but of course you know that sort of plan is safe here . . . i just feel so confined, even though the world is figuratively borderless on the net, but thats not the same.

anyhow, im going to be looking into that today. oh, and by the way, you can feel free to discuss those gatherings on here. you know its safe. dont worry so much . . . im on the lookout too, along with you, phil, and your security system.


Posted by Alan Cross at 8:41 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 4 March 2005 9:55 AM EST
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there you are . . .
Topic: miscellaneous
hello alan, its good that we see eye-to-eye on these issues, i would think. so when are you going to let me come to one of these meetings you have? and you still havent given me a way to get in touch with phil reynolds, you know . . . ill just look him up myself, i think. i think you mentioned once that phil had some files i might be interested in regarding Newgen . . . ?

anyhow, i spent the greater portion of the day at the library, but i masked myself there to avoid surveillance. they say that only criminals complain about the ultra-surveillance in our era, but i disagree. most people have just grown used to it . . . that doesnt make it okay.

i also had another encounter in the Big Reflection today, and this time i could see the presence, but only a silhouette . . . it never speaks at all, just seemingly watches me. i despise the uncertainty of it all . . .

anyway, how is work coming on model eight? i suppose its convenient that they all require minimal work to assemble and activate . . . but of course, you still did a vast amount of work beforehand, so that you could take it easy near your deadlines. and i thought you were the procrastinator king ;) and what's the score right now between you and wyles? three all?

youve got to win the next two in order to win the overall bet, isnt that right? well, ill keep my fingers crosses, pal.


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:47 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 4 March 2005 12:51 AM EST
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Thursday, 3 March 2005
well . . .
Topic: explanations
since you asked alan, what im referring to is the threat of self-destruction which exists in all governments, but is very pronounced in a prominent few states in our era.

unfortunately, the problem is a class issue, and there is essentially one powerful class to blame for the continuation of bad policy. the sad part is that now the blame can be said to rest in the hands of the sheep, as well as with their shepherds.

therefore, it stands to reason that all the sheep--from the gutters and all the way up to the penthouses--are accountable for the task of fixing things; certainly this involves removing the shepherds.

it is strange to say, but otherwise there would need to be a society that is ruled both benevolently and authoritatively, where true justice is upheld, and corruption of character is mercilessly dealt with by proper means. the current prison camp system in my era is a massive drain on our society, as alan can attest to, as well as many other menaces i will not bothering mentioning at this point.

although a benevolent, authoritarian government is a strange idea, it could be accomplished under the leadership of a very charismatic, sagacious, and yet fortuitous leader. the goal would be to set in line certain societal changes to help put the american society in my era back on track, while at the same time realizing the potential of maximizing your citizens for what they are truly worth. this means truly investing in the welfare of your subjects, while protecting them from the diseases of greed, bias, and ignorance.

any truly intelligent leader will first stabilize his own land and invest in the maximization of every citizens potential, with the ultimate goal of maintaining autonomy. any leader who would try to enslave his own men before his enemys is not mentally fit to be in power.

anyway, ive got someone annoying trying to get my attention at the door, and so i will go and pleasantly admit them into my humble abode. i shall talk more later.


Posted by Alan Cross at 9:42 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 3 March 2005 9:46 AM EST
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it is decided
a plan must be set forth to change the ways things are, the way we are existing . . . ive been in contact with many acquaintances and contacts and have been trying to learn the nature of the threat that exists in our society today, alan.

it is not something that can be changed in the past, either, it seems. there must be some sort of new vision, alan. its getting darker all the time it seems, but inevitably dawn will come, will it not?


Posted by Alan Cross at 3:30 AM EST
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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
Topic: explanations
alejandro basilio garza . . . told ya so! ;) but i think thats just one of his many aliases, you know. the last name is definitely the name of his family, however.

anyhow, thanks for lauding me, alan, i have to say that is one of your most admirable qualities as a human . . . the ability to take interest in people and things outside your own little bubble, as well as being able to praise others selflessly. too many people in our era just seclude themselves into their 'depersonalization domes' . . . did you know that 61% of married couples these days met on the net, and that 87% of those people never even met face to face until their wedding days? its lunacy, if you ask me . . . people have lost the concept of brotherhood and interrelation.

anyhow, on the topic of interrelation . . . we humans are connected in more ways than the purely physical, i.e. that we share the same world. we are entangled on spiritual and astral levels as well, and therefore we have ways to reach each other without picking up the phone or using a handheld. this quality is particularly strong in many Newgens, and it allows us to often contact or at least find anyone in the world and learn about them.

as for mr. garza, that pair of names did indeed come to mind immediately when i pondered the meaning of 'a.b.'. i wasnt sure, but i then confirmed my findings using a combination of online research, as well as a bit of astral exploration. i also get the distinct idea that mr. garza is harmless in general, and i think that his employer may in fact be the one we have to worry about. now . . . if i can just find out who that is . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 11:02 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 11:07 PM EST
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. . . im still up . . .
okay, im probably staying up now . . . its almost been two hours since my last post, and i got to reading, and now look at the time.

anyhow, alan, you really butchered the english language in your last post, so im going to fix it a little for you. ;)

btw, theres no such thing as coincedence, at least in my experience . . . and yes, the presence in the Big Reflection was real enough, trust me. im quite good at detecting that sort of thing.

anyhow, ive read about SOS a bit; i might be interested in joining someday. thats a rather noble mission statement.

so, whats the ab stand for in ab garza? alejandro basilio? ;)

okay, talk to you all later. im going to do some reading today and relax a bit.


Posted by Alan Cross at 8:23 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 9:21 AM EST
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well, alan, i havent heard of a man named a.b. garza, but ill keep my mind on alert . . . perhaps i can find him first.

incidentally, as i was being shuttled away from the site of my last experiment, i did notice a man lingering near the woods where the bear ran off to and vanished. his brain patterns seemed a bit different than the other bystanders. i didnt see his face, but it appeared that he was trying to track the bear . . . but there wasnt any blood to follow, so im sure he came up with nothing.

anyhow, i just had a strange dream of sorts; i hesitate to call it a nightmare, but it was unsettling. it is always unsettling when i am not in complete control in the Big Reflection . . . someone was there with me . . . it was an energy at least, something . . .

do you ever get the feeling that something is just wrong, in general? or do you ever feel that there is more to the world than meets the eye? perhaps there are whole worlds right next to us that we cannot even see?

im beginning to think so, but now, im going back to bed. chew on that for now . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:43 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 6:46 AM EST
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