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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
man, this post was way too long . . . i gotta hurry now!
Mood:  rushed
Topic: things
well, i had a strange visitor in person, and you had a strange visitor in a dream. hows that for coincedence?

anyway, im having a friend do a little digging to see what they can find about mr. garza.

as for your dream . . . thats odd. can you be sure it was an actual intelligent presence? and as for your trio of questions . . . yes, on all three accounts.

our reality is just not something that can be easily broken down or understood, it seems. im glad ive come to grips with it; many of my peers are still struggling with certain new ideas in the world of science. now that i have accepted the mystery that is reality, i have made numerous positive developments in my own life. by accepting myself into the hands of fate, if you will, i have become free of my preconceived notions and all my prior hangups; its not good to try and explain reality rationally, since it is in nature not rational. thats what members of the society for open-minded scholars pledge:

"although science can explain a vast majority of naturally occurring phenomena, there remain many phenomena which we as humble humans are not yet ready to grasp.
we, as curious and modest professionals, should not try to discourage scientific exploration or try to fit reality into equations.
as science forges ahead and discovers new things each day, we inevitably end up with more questions than before.
it stands to reason then, that we can never fully explain or understand all the wonder of reality, and we should therefore always seek truth in all matters, never emcumbered by bias or pride, and always ready to fit in with nature, rather than trying to fit nature into our preconceived notions of reality."

anyhow, i didnt mean to ramble on like this, ive got get to work today, in fact. gotta be there in 30 mins!!
okay, see ya later!!!!

Posted by Alan Cross at 8:06 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 8:36 AM EST
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