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Saturday, 19 March 2005
Topic: big reflection
yes, alan, in fact, i just woke up . . . it took me a minute to realize that i was truly awake. but you see, i saw someone in here earlier, alan. just a few moments ago, actually. it didnt feel right . . . and i dont feel a presence anymore, but . . .

see, i was just in the Big Reflection, except it seemed different this time. i could see an endless series of realms above me, and so i looked down to my feet to ground myself, so to speak. when i did this, the ground below me began crumbling away into a glowing redness, and then finally into pure darkness . . .

so i turned my head back to the clouds, and i tried raising myself up. as i did this, i heard a familiar voice jeering at me. "you cannot go that way," they said, "thats not the way you should go." and i felt a million invisible fingertips dragging me down, and i would look down and see the ground crumbling away further, and i would try to ignore it, looking back up toward the brightness. i yearned for the light, and i did get closer . . . i saw myself rising through the different realms, higher and higher until suddenly the light was too bright, and i was repelled. i lost my strength and began to fall, but those million fingertips were there to catch me, and grasp me, and pull me back down to the ground, but there was no ground now, just an abyss which swirled with blackness.

then i woke up.

you see, i have the living room lights on a good deal of the time, even while sleeping, but i do keep the lights in the bedroom off. so, after i woke up a short while ago, i got up and left my room(without needing the light . . . one just gets used to space after a while) and i went to the bathroom, strangely affected by my bizarre Big Reflection experience. but then, i walked back to my bedroom and pushed open the door, and almost instinctively--as if still yearning for the brightness--i switched the light on . . .

in that split second of first light, when the blackness suddenly recedes, i saw that figure sitting in my computer chair, smiling at me, but almost before i could register this thought, it had fled out of the room with the rest of the darkness . . . but that grin just seemed to etch itself into the reality before my eyes, to burn itself into my retinas . . . i still can barely get it out of my mind as i sit here typing.

im still awake, right? so i mean, it couldnt have been a dream. thats the figure that spoke to me before, and probably the voice in the Big Reflection earlier . . . but that being is nothing. hes nothing to me.

nothing at all.


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:33 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 19 March 2005 6:42 AM EST
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Friday, 18 March 2005
Topic: miscellaneous
ahaha alan, thats hysterical. it looks like youve developed a sense of humor in your androids, eh? i was asleep long before you posted that message, just enjoying the Big Reflection. anyhow, happy st. patricks day to you too . . . ill be back later.

i assume you are out getting completely destroyed at a bar somewhere . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:19 AM EST
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Thursday, 17 March 2005
erin go bragh
Topic: society
how is it going, you ask? quite gray and dull on my end, actually, but everything else is fine it seems. ;) ive been getting in touch with several legislators over the past few days, and its been somewhat hard without using my charm at all . . . but i did end up reaching some of them after trying again. ive been hoping to get a chance to visit some of them, but after talking with them, i decided to focus on a more local level government.

im going to see what itll take to get a tour of city hall here, and i also would like to meet the mayor. i may use some charm if necessary . . . after all, in order to make a wave youve got to start with a splash, so i figure that i can help try to make this city a model for the rest of the nation. itll be some serious work, though . . . and i will ask people for their help. i dont see why they would refuse, though . . .

anyhow, im going to bed, talk to you later, alan.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:01 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 17 March 2005 5:03 AM EST
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hey alan . . .
. . . still awake? just curious what youre up to . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:40 AM EST
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Wednesday, 16 March 2005
Topic: humanity
well, alan, its good to hear about model number nine coming along . . . why were you trying to get in touch with richard rosenthal? you know, my dad was a friend of richards back in college. some call that coincedence, but i just tend to think that the threads of fate must inevitably intertwine.

i remember seeing letters that dr. rosenthal had sent my dad through the postal mail that talked about his work on some sort of obedience drug . . they were testing it on animals to see the effects of taming even the wildest of beasts, but i didnt read much more than that. i didnt feel like snooping around too much . . . just enough to set things up right for my departure and for my fathers safety.

anyhow, as for my dream and the figure who spoke to me . . . its necessary for me to consider all sides to a problem, but still, the problem does not seem to be that the masses are hard to control, but how we can 'train' the masses to control themselves, and moreover, to begin a new Enlightenment. that is truly the solution . . . however, that is not all of the solution.

humans need to be retaught to believe in themselves and to excel at what they can do . . . this ties into my disagreement with mass imprisonment and labor camps; humans have much more potential than just organic machines.

as much as i lament, i admit that humanity is a marvelous thing in many respects. unfortunately, the negative is so oft discussed that people grow up with seemingly 'natural' ill-will and disharmony, believing that they are inherently evil and then behaving thusly. they also have strong dependence on authority, but a few of them stray from the 'herd', if you will.

although many human behaviors are adverse to harmonious existence, i hypothesize that this phenomena is not inherent, but is rather the result of centuries of social conditioning. i am working on a larger framework of a plan to test this theory out . . . i will present the people will a better, sustainable alternative. i need to try and wake the people up, and i will do it by all the legal ways first, until that option finally works or until it is exhausted . . .

this is a multi-class issue, where each class needs an exclusive new way of life, which helps get rid of old, destructive tendencies and helps replace them with new tendencies that work in harmony with each other and promote true parity.

this is all a very rough draft, of course. the actual execution of the plan will be more spectacular than the plan itself . . . that is one reason i still love working as the wind blows, that is to say, by instinct and spontaneity.

for now, im going to get some breakfast. i will be in the city, perhaps until evening, but i may check back in between now and then.


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:44 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 March 2005 6:53 AM EST
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Tuesday, 15 March 2005
Topic: big reflection
yes, alan, indeed i did my remember my dream clearly, i always remember my dreams clearly, as if they were real. in fact, they are real, but not in the conventional sense, but you know what i mean.

quite simply, the short conversation that took place between that figure and i occurred immediately before waking up. it went exactly like this(the figure's words are italicized):

imagine for a moment that the universe is a human body . . . and in this body, there is a microscopic organism, a parasite that infects everything it encounters and then assimilates it, multiplying its toxicity as it spreads. over time, the body fights back, and it succeeds a few times, reducing the parasitic organism back down to a manageable problem . . . but those pests always grow back again, they always seem to return. if they grow too much and spread their infection, then what will become of that metaphorical human body?

. . . it will presumably die . . .

certainly. so then, my friend, if the human body is symbolic of the universe, then the pestersome parasite is symbolic of. . . ?

humanity, of course . . .

exactly. see how naturally you responded?

and then i woke up, alan. that was all of it. of course, before that i was just roaming around in the big reflection, enjoying myself. then suddenly i was thrust into this darkness again, except the figure seemed to radiate a black light, if that is easy to visualize. everything was black, and yet, he stood out from everything else, without being noticeably brighter.

anyhow, that was that. im going to sleep now, actually.

good night.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:13 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 March 2005 5:19 AM EST
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hello there
Topic: miscellaneous
hello everyone, alan.

my weekend was quite the busy one, and it was quite the relevatory one as well. i seemed unusually tired this weekend, and so i slept longer periods of time than i normally do(that is, i slept about 7 hours each night instead of 4). ive been growing a bit more lately, as well, and ive been feeling sort of achy. anyhow, in my dreams, i finally encountered the dark figure who has been trailing me and watching me from the darkness.

it was very strange, i have to say . . . it sort of opened my eyes in a way. it made me realize some things that i had only previously pondered or brushed over in my musings. apparently im not alone in my thinking on global issues, and it seems only right that i try to make some sort of social change the right way, through the system. they set it up for us, they say that we can use it, so i figure ill exhaust all the 'typical' options.

i had a short, blurry conversation with this figure, and it was a bit strange. i dont agree with what he had said to me, but i can see the logic in some of his argument.

i just need to do my own thing. i cant have this figure trying to interfere with me. i am doing quite fine as it is.

anyhow, how was your weekend, alan? sounds like you need to lay off the booze, huh? ;)


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:03 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 March 2005 5:04 AM EST
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Friday, 11 March 2005
weekend testing
Topic: experiments/research
yes, alan, my weekend will be similar to the one you have planned . . . somewhat packed.

im doing some new experiments with my psychic camouflage again, since i find it to be my least exhausting capability, and often times, most applicable to a situation . . . its also something one could call a psychic veil, since i can essentially veil reality in a very controlled way, causing people to see what i wish them to. but admittedly, yes, it is very exhausting.

also, ive come to dislike johnny tanuki ever since i impersonated him and ever since i read more about him and saw the substanceless concept of his entertainment. i figure it might be fun to create a completely new personality, or try to. anyhow, im sure i can put on a much better show than mr. tanuki anyway, that puppet.

i would be making good use of psychic camouflage without using someone elses image without permission. once i can totally synch my GPS ID with my energy projection, it will be a very useful thing, since i will be able to use it to enhance the effectiveness of my psychic veils by interacting with individual GPS IDs and reinforcing my effects. it will also allow me to gain access to some computers that i might need to confuse briefly.


Posted by Alan Cross at 9:57 AM EST
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Thursday, 10 March 2005
good to hear
Topic: society
well, its good to hear that youre not being apathetic about things. its too bad we cant work together somehow. anyhow, at least youve got somewhat decent standards at work, but its still pretty miserable. i can only imagine how precarious the job security is with a belligerent imbecile like john wyles at the helms.


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:44 AM EST
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oh alan, just curious
Topic: explanations
hey alan, since we were recently discussing some of the negative aspects of our era(that is, the year 2054), and it made me wonder what kind of 'standards' come along with your job? oh, you know, i think most people refer to them as benefits, as they have been fooled into thinking that they should be grateful to receive something that should be standardly given to all workers.

anyhow, i must be going for the moment. i shall return later, perhaps with more on my earlier travels.


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:04 AM EST
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