good afternoon
Topic: 'reality'
ive been working on quite a few things lately, my friends, so forgive my frequent absence. however, in response to alans question, i did indeed know that he hadnt posted much lately, and therefore i didnt see much of a point in me posting.
your post was interesting, alan . . . youve been feeling a bit anxious, you say? yes, i suppose i understand. ive felt similarly lately, but
i havent been running around aimlessly ;)
you know, alan, since weve both experienced similarly inexplicable encounters with strange looking beings, i say that you ought to help me look into it more. you see, alan, what we saw is just the beginning . . . recently, ive been thinking that i was going a bit mad, but really, once you saw that same sort of dark being i knew i wasnt alone.
there are all sorts of things going on right outside the corners of our eyes . . . it just depends on how quickly one can hold their focus.
you see, there are many things which we take for reality, alan . . . things we see every day. but many of these things are mere fabrications, manipulations of our reality, our
physical realm. there are forces at work at all times, some pushing humanity forward, others pulling them back.
we need to push things forward. the anxious feelings you have been feeling may not just be the effects of spring . . . havent you ever just trusted your gut? i know you have, alan.
youre quite the metaphysically open-minded scientist, after all . . .
Posted by Alan Cross
at 3:10 PM EDT