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Wednesday, 27 April 2005
the contracts you have signed mean nothing, alan. they are pieces of paper, at best. soon they will be worthless. nobody can hold you back now, my friend. thats all i can say.

and yes, the dream you had was indeed real . . . but please, do not mention what you said to me again. it disturbed me greatly . . . why must you be such a pragmatist? whether my ideals are too lofty isnt the point . . . what we discussed in the Big Reflection was very important. society needs a change. it needs help.

i can help them, so can you. but will you join me?


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:36 AM EDT
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why, hello alan
Topic: things yet to come
i wouldnt go play chess with wyles, alan . . . thats just my recommendation. i dont think the man is stable. he seems willing to do anything to forward himself and his peers. its not a good situation. wyles-crowley is in a doomed position. does alexander crowley realize this? of course you ought not say anything unless it comes up . . . mentioning it could make things unnecessarily complicated. as for your genetic sample, yes, i know that wyles is aware of it. but thats not what hes interested in, i dont think. it disturbs him, because he can imagine why youre doing it, just as i can . . .

anyhow, wyles wants to steal your work and make money off of it by selling it to the military. can i make it more clear? how would you feel about hundreds of thousands of prometheus androida on the battlefield, helping to extend the stranglehold held by the American Federation? i hardly think you would be keen to seeing your androids become the strong point for the most oppressive military force ever put into existence . . . in that sense, wyles could care less about cyber-augs; he wants the prometheus androids, and he wants the money and credit associated with selling them.

do you want that?

i would avoid wyles as much as possible, however, you must realize that some aspects of our futures are indeed predetermined. just be cautious, my friend, no matter how harmless wyles appears. i can tell you for sure that crowley is a trustworthy man, but still not as virtuous as yourself. your future will indeed be a good one; i know you will still worry, as you are prone to do, but please be level-headed as well. thats one of your better traits as a human . . .

heed my warnings, please. things are indeed 'going to shit' as you put it in your recent post . . . quite a bit more than you may realize. the elite clandestine group that you and your colleagues aim to take down are not the only problem, theyre just part of it . . . you must realize there are other outside forces, from different realms, and they are the problem. just as a puppet appears to move by its own accord, when one looks up they can see the puppetmaster . . . it is the same with the dark figure that has visited us both. they are using us, they are trying to fool us with their abilities. they think we earthlings--newgen or not--are weak. they want us to buy into the illusion of reality they have made for us.

i refuse to let them do so.

they are weak.

i am strong.

they cannot stop me.


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:20 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 April 2005 1:26 AM EDT
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Monday, 18 April 2005
0 :]
Topic: 'reality'
alan, i should rephrase what i said in my last post . . . i was referring to the car that followed you out of the wyles-crowley parking lot; that was me. after i had started following you, i realized you were a bit uneasy, to say the least. still, i could not show myself for reason that i might risk exposing our link. so you see, being sneaky is good for some things . . .

as for the strange figure in your back yard, i can swear to you that it was not me by any stretch . . . just ask your androids . . . dont worry, i wont be popping up at your house in some creepy disguise, and i didnt do it in the first place. i understand why you might have thought so, though . . .

anyhow, ive been really learning a bit about the way society is being run, alan. its terribly interesting, and i cannot seem to stop learning. its all harmless, and hopefully even beneficial. i was just taking an informal tour of wyles-crowley under an assumed identity, and naturally i had to speak with john wyles a bit, but he doesnt know who i am. he also has no idea that i know you, so theres nothing to be irritated about. i may even stop back in at wyles-crowley soon . . . but really, there are so many offsite contractors and military personnel going to and fro that i will remain quite anonymous. we ought to keep it that way as well, for the sake of our anonymity.

anyhow, im going off the Big Reflection . . . since you informally invited me to drop by your house sometime, i will formally invite you to come visit me in the Big Reflection sometime . . .

good night[morning]!


Posted by Alan Cross at 8:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 18 April 2005 8:09 AM EDT
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Topic: experiments/research
well, alan, thank you for your lengthy opinion . . . its not like you to type so much! i suppose this cyber-aug issue must really get you fired up . . . do you suppose that maybe youre just a little jealous that wyles took your technology and sold it off to the military, who in turn improved upon it? ;)

anyhow, i have been traveling around quite a bit more . . . really, youd be amazed how easily one can gain access to ultra-high security facilities . . . IF you are me, that is ;) ive already seen a bit of the cyber-aug testing in various labs. in fact, i even paid your job a visit a week or two ago . . . dont you remember seeing anything out of place on the night that dark figure frightened you in your back yard?


Posted by Alan Cross at 5:30 AM EDT
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Thursday, 14 April 2005
boy oh boy
Topic: experiments/research
i was wondering, alan, since youre involved intimately with research into building androids for wyles-crowley, what do you think about the research and deployment of cybernetic augmentation in soldiers?

ive been looking into it a bit lately, and it seems quite amazing. of course, if one could only transfer a human consciousness into a machine . . . wouldnt that be splendid??


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:20 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 April 2005
good afternoon
Topic: 'reality'
ive been working on quite a few things lately, my friends, so forgive my frequent absence. however, in response to alans question, i did indeed know that he hadnt posted much lately, and therefore i didnt see much of a point in me posting.

anyhow, your post was interesting, alan . . . youve been feeling a bit anxious, you say? yes, i suppose i understand. ive felt similarly lately, but i havent been running around aimlessly ;)

you know, alan, since weve both experienced similarly inexplicable encounters with strange looking beings, i say that you ought to help me look into it more. you see, alan, what we saw is just the beginning . . . recently, ive been thinking that i was going a bit mad, but really, once you saw that same sort of dark being i knew i wasnt alone.

there are all sorts of things going on right outside the corners of our eyes . . . it just depends on how quickly one can hold their focus.

you see, there are many things which we take for reality, alan . . . things we see every day. but many of these things are mere fabrications, manipulations of our reality, our physical realm. there are forces at work at all times, some pushing humanity forward, others pulling them back.

we need to push things forward. the anxious feelings you have been feeling may not just be the effects of spring . . . havent you ever just trusted your gut? i know you have, alan.

youre quite the metaphysically open-minded scientist, after all . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 3:10 PM EDT
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Saturday, 2 April 2005
Topic: explanations
to answer your question, alan, ill make it quite simple.

since i have a good idea of when you are active in posting, i simply do not bother to post at any other time except in rare occasions(like now). anyhow, ive been doing quite well recently, my friend . . . how have you been? you werent around for nearly the whole week . . . still a bit ungrounded from your recent experiences?

anyhow, im up for the day now . . . perhaps ill post more later, but i doubt it.


Posted by Alan Cross at 7:26 AM EST
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Monday, 28 March 2005
hey there alan
Topic: miscellaneous
well, alan, i didnt mean to confuse you like that! i was just looking over some of the performance graphs and tables on your network; i dont know what number nine actually looks like ;) hopefully youll show me at some point; theyre made in your image, arent they?

anyhow, that is quite amazing about that strange intruder in your yard . . . it almost sounds identical to the thing that i see. mine does not quite look like a man, though, at least not to me . . . see alan, maybe im not crazy, huh? ;) but really, i think that since we can both see this sort of thing, were really sort of special actually. no offense, but i didnt think youd be able to see such things . . . i thought it might just be a Newgen thing or something even unique to me. guess not :/

as for micky michaels, yes, perhaps i should have said 'autistic'. retarded sounds a bit harsh, i admit. im beginning to wonder what you asked . . . why does this micky kid get so much publicity? it seems like they should be scooping him up and off to a Newgen re-education facility. about the dead animal revival stuff, etc . . . thats what ive heard, but i dont know how much to believe. he couldnt really do that, right?

as for my travels, i was visiting a few people. i actually saw jessica dehring for a bit, as well . . . im just trying to get some people together to start networking. i figure it can slowly grow . . . we can change things for the better, you know? but we all have to work together. i think all our fates are weaved together somehow . . . but who knows.

anyhow, im off for the night/day . . . talk to you more later. i may be out doing some social experiments later . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 6:47 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 28 March 2005 6:49 AM EST
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Saturday, 26 March 2005
hey, i beat you ;)
Topic: travels
:) i had to do it again, alan, forgive me. i knew you were going to post. and call me crazy, but its probably something unusual for you, no?

anyhow, i just got back from a trip around the country. i was meeting up with several friends of mine and trying to organize some things for later this year. its hard to believe it nearly spring already, isnt it, alan? at the rate im growing right now, it seems as though i can expect my body to develop to that of a young man by years end.

also, on a minor side note, have you ever heard of a boy named micky michaels? hes some supposedly extraordinary retarded child . . . i cant quite get a hold of him, though, which is very inconvenient. id just love to chat with him.

well, anyway, i just wanted to say hello in a creative way ;) talk to you later, alan, im getting a snack; my sleep schedule is way off. im going to the Big Reflection in a few . . . ive got to make some stops, you could say ;)

oh, and model nine looks quite nice, doctor! until next time . . .


Posted by Alan Cross at 7:47 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 26 March 2005 7:50 AM EST
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Tuesday, 22 March 2005
Topic: big reflection
"well, rex, its good that you werent pestered anymore by that strange presence . . . thats pretty creepy. i dont know what id do if one of them was hanging around my house."

well, alan, how do you know there arent any strange beings hanging around your house? trust me, theres all sorts of things going on that people cant see . . . i mean, i can see it, but just be content that you cant.

ignorance can be bliss, my friend. anyhow, im going to sleep . . . night!


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:56 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 March 2005 4:59 AM EST
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