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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
well, well, well
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: things
so, my friends, i got a bit of information back from my friend in regards to a.b. garza, and i have to say that im most impressed and at the same time a bit unsettled by rex's recent observations. i guess they were just guesses, but that term might not give proper credit to rex.

now dont get me wrong, my friend provided with lots of other valuable information about garza(which leads me to believe he is not only safe, but perhaps on a similar path as rex and i). the thing that surprised me is that he called me about three hours ago to tell me what he found . . .

the first thing he told me was what the 'a.b.' in a.b. garza stands for none other than . . . ALEJANDRO BASILIO! how exactly did you guess that, rex, almost 12 hours before my friend told me so? its pretty interesting of you, and i would pass it off as luck if it werent for the abnormal and hence hard-to-guess name of mr. garza. its not as if alejandro basilio is a common named that one would guess off the top of their head . . .

so how did you find that out, rex? is that a Newgen thing, or have you really just gotten good at computers?

Posted by Alan Cross at 10:36 PM EST
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