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Saturday, 19 March 2005
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: things
hmmm . . . maybe youre just really exhausted, buddy? you should probably go back to sleep. its already getting light out in this time zone, anyway! i mean, what did that thing look like in the light? could you make out its appearance? ive heard of some strange things, so im not saying you didnt see anything, but . . .?

maybe that dream was just symbolic, you know? i know youve sometimes said you felt that things are crumbling around you, and maybe thats what the disappearing earth in your dream was. maybe that brightness is something youre yearning for, something that cant quite be attained, at least not right now . . . and maybe the dreadful sensation of falling back down is symbolic of a reality check . . . maybe that blackness is reality, the REAL reality.

ah, anyhow, i sound crazy. im going to sleep. youve got me all goosebumpy now, man, geez!

Posted by Alan Cross at 6:51 AM EST
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ni hao ma?
Mood:  cool
Topic: studies
hello there friends (if anyone is reading this in the past), how is it going?

good, good . . . how are things with you, rex? you still awake? im just up late, learning some chinese, or rather, relearning it.

anyway, im going to bed a bit later . . . ill talk to you all soon.

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:50 AM EST
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Thursday, 17 March 2005
whoaa, sorry!
Mood:  party time!
Topic: leisure
hey there, rex, sorry, pal! didnt know you were going to sleep!!

i was sitting here chatting with models one through eight, and theyre great man!! they have completely independent ways of thought, but they are still in parity, and they can also communicate remotely with each other. its sort of a.i. telepathy ;)

anyhow, whoa, whoa. number five was just screwing with my typing by messing with the network. *throws pipe at number five* hello? HEY! hi! im alan, im a mad scientist! %-D

hello? hello, this is number five . . . you are under our control now . . . this connection is terminated in five, four, three, two, one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;P

OKAY, okay, im back rex, everyone. you see? i never told you about number five, have i? . . . hes a real practical joker. hes completely harmless. i also cant SEEM to delete what he posted above!! grr . . . alright, im getting back to the conversation. ive had enough of this rascal!!

phew! until next time . . . !!!

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:36 AM EST
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ohhh, top o' the mornin to ya, laddy
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: things
happy st patricks day! hows it going this fine, green morning?

Posted by Alan Cross at 4:45 AM EST
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Wednesday, 16 March 2005
hello, hello
Mood:  lazy
hows it going, everyone? just about to hit the hay on my end . . . how are things with you, rex?

ive been working on model nine today, and ive been trying to get in touch with richard rosenthal from the genetics department, but its been quite hard to get a hold of him.

anyhow, im off to the 'big reflection'. i keep trying to realize when im dreaming, but it can be hard . . . alright, til next time . . . !

Posted by Alan Cross at 6:24 AM EST
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Tuesday, 15 March 2005
Mood:  lazy
Topic: things
well, rex, that sure is interesting about that dream. strangely, as i read what the figure was saying to you, i had similar responses . . . then again, my eyes might have just sneaked a peak forward for me. but i dont think humans can be categorized into a whole. there are too many different factors and that to say that all of humanity is like a parasite, but certainly, some of us humans are parasitic. some of us are symbiotic too . . . i just need to find a lady to latch onto and we can be happily symbiotic. ;) shes got to be rich, too.

anyhow, well, its good that youre keeping your mind open on these matters. its strange that this figure would just start discussing these things with you, i mean, could it be your subconscious?

anyhow, its also good to see you want to take more of a role in politics . . . how do you plan to do that? its quite hard, you know . . . but it would be a remarkable achievement, my friend.

alright, im off to bed as well . . . night!

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:18 AM EST
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rex, the dark figure you were talking about finally made an appearance to you, thats strange . . . what exactly did you two discuss? i mean, you remember this dream clearly?

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:06 AM EST
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Sunday, 13 March 2005
drinks,. drinks
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: things
well, here i sit, saturday night, and doing nothing once again . . . it was weird how my ex sort of popped back into my life for a few nights and disappeared. it makes me feel uncomfortable, because as i said before, she just didnt seem the same.

anyway,i suppose i do need to tone down my drinking a bit, but really, its sort of a recent thing . . . ive just had a bad feeling in the past few months, maybe my whole life . . . something is amiss, i feel. but its hard to trust the gut, you know. anyhow, i dont mean to go on and on about myself . . . ive been working on model number nine, and its going very well. ive probably got until mid-april to finish it, at least . . . just depends on wyles. anyhow, this model is going to be my crowning achievement . . . itll be very different from the other models, but yet quite the same.

okay, too much rambling . . . and rex, give me some life signs pal, just curious how the experiments are going

Posted by Alan Cross at 3:27 AM EST
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Friday, 11 March 2005
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: research
you sure are working quite hard on these illusions, rex . . . its quite interesting in a way. in fact, you seem to have an overabundance of amazing things going on . . . but what are you planning to use your honed 'psychic veil' abilities for? just be mindful during your experiments. perhaps im jumping to conclusion, but shouldnt you try not to fool people and/or 'confuse' computers? ;)

anyhow, when the prometheus network is up and running, itll be just about the most complex, small-scale mobile network ever. and itll be in the form of independently functioning androids!! ;) im sorry, but nobody gets access to them besides me of course lol im the only one who could ever really fully integrate their skills and maximize their potential. anyhow, i shouldnt toot my own horn, let me just get back to the lab . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 10:05 AM EST
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Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: things
geez, its a bit early. well, i guess ill do some work or something . . . ive actually got a full weekend ahead, so i might not be around too much. ill try to keep up to date from my handheld though!

until next time!

Posted by Alan Cross at 9:42 AM EST
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Thursday, 10 March 2005
standards, huh?
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: semantics
well, rex, i would say that youre somewhat right in your reasoning there. unfortunately, the prevailing viewpoint is that of the people in control.

anyhow, my 'standards' consist of a several decent things which are also completely vulnerable to revocation. among these things are (decent) health care, (stingy) research grants, and (completely farsical) rights to intellectual property.

dont remind me of how disparate things are . . . something is being done to change it.

anyway, im getting back to some reading . . . might be back in a few.

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:37 AM EST
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Wednesday, 9 March 2005
youre quite right, rex
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: things
"you still havent said anything about the experiment? if the past is any indicator at all, id assume that you had too much to drink last night, and that you didnt really do anything at all today except be lazy and hungover . . . am i right? ;)

anyhow, ill give you some slack because youre such a model citizen, as well a brilliant scientist.

bingo! this is true, my friend, but also, you forgot about the wagers ive had with wyles. i won the bet last night too! and so im one model away from retaining my rights to my creations . . . and yes, that is a demented concept i think. the idea of private property has been so distorted with the onset of 'corporate rights'. its disturbing, really.

anyhow, there isnt much to say about testing . . . we went through the whole rigmarole, you know, sensory testing, ai testing, reaction testing, strength testing, etc, etc. model number eight scored perfectly in all areas, like every previous model. model number nine will truly be the gem of the bunch, however.

anyhow, ill be checking in throughout the night . . . im curious to hear more about your travels.

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:08 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 March 2005 12:08 AM EST
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Tuesday, 8 March 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: work related
sorry i cant chat too much, buddy, im at john wyles right now. i beat him in our first chess match, and he convinced me to have a rematch. im typing to you from the bathroom . . . man, i need to slow down with the drinking tonight . . . already im heavcily buzzed

so you actually went through with your world travel plan, huh? where exactly did you go? im just curious how it all worked out, how you pulled it off . . . especially if you made several stops.

oh, ill tell you more about the testing of model eight tonight or tommorrow . . . lets just say that it went well, very well. im still managed to impress wyles, and so he has requested that i take a bit more time with model number nine, that way i can make it even better than the others . . . he doesnt know that its already pretty damn good, but ive got a few little tricks up my sleeve.

talk t ya later!

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:41 AM EST
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Sunday, 6 March 2005
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: work related
oh man, i accidentally shorted out the primary power source in prometheus 08 . . . this is normally a terrible thing, but the amazing thing is that 08 suddenly activated itself shortly after the short occurred . . . ive been sitting and having a small chat with him(it?), and he seems amused by the fact that i could be such a good inventor even though i drink so much . . . but its not as if im a complete drunk, like wyles.

anyway, we havent heard from rex in a while, have we folks? im beginning to wonder if he really went through with his little plan to go jetsetting around the globe.

anyhow, im going to get back to work . . . its rude to leave someone waiting. im not sure exactly what 08 is doing right now, but obviously nothing mischievous . . . god, im so pleased with the AI for the prometheus models . . . i couldnt have wished for it to work out better.

okay, back to the lab(and to my drink!!) ;)

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:28 AM EST
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Friday, 4 March 2005
alrighty, sounds solid
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: travels
alright, well if you do any experiments in international travel, rex, be careful my friend. im going to get back to work on model eight . . . i was just upstairs grabbing a snack . . . almost forgot to eat again yesterday!

till next time . . . !

Posted by Alan Cross at 10:20 AM EST
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well, i know that these posts are pretty secure, rex, but youve got to always consider some degree of error. anyhow, model 8 is coming along quite well, and i certainly am at home today. wyles has come to accept the fact that i work better alone, in my own lab.

anyhow, so you want to travel outside the country, huh? ive made a few trips out of the country, but only a few times, and mostly on business or in school. you know, you might be going a bit far, after all, youre GPS ID could give you away. be careful, my friend!

and how exactly are you thinking of getting on a plane by yourself?

Posted by Alan Cross at 10:07 AM EST
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Mood:  d'oh
Topic: things
well, yes, it is a good thing that we agree on such things in the general sense. but what meetings are you talking about? i dont know anything about any meetings, rex? remember??!

as for phil, yea, just look him up. ive just been so preoccupied with getting the rest of the models assembled for testing. and you had another mysterious visitor in your dreams yesterday, ah? just watch your back, you know. it could be a subconscious manifestation of something youve buried in your mind . . . best to confront it and make it go away for good.

and yes, indeed, doing most of my work in advance is not my forte, but i felt it necessary for some reason. i was complaining then, but im singing now . . . its worked out well this way. itll give me a lot of time to really perfect model number nine . . . and yes, unfortunately i MUST win the next two wagers in order to keep control of all nine of the androids. i dont think wyles realizes that though, so i dont feel a need to mention it.

anyhow, back to the lab . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:58 AM EST
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reinhard for president!
Mood:  rushed
Topic: civilization
well, rex, you managed to make a few good points there in your last post. im not so sure about a benevolent authoritarian government, but its an interesting concept as long as the authority is truly used to punish injustice, and not simply used as a means for a dictator to get what he wants.

it is very true that the responsibility to change things lies in everyones hands, especially the masses, even though there only influence is their sheer number. i would hesitate to say that the blame is in the hands of all people, though . . . most people are already born into this environment and conditioned to think nothing of it.

free will is a great gift from nature, but unfortunately there exists societal will as well, and that collective overrules the individual it seems. it seems that the biggest struggled is breaking free of that larger imposition of will and then trying to organize folks. but i will admit the complications with such a plan must be innumerable.

around 150 years ago, there were people in the ruling class who were fully aware of our countrys short, tragic future . . . they the few decided to make themselves richer while letting the many fend for themselves. as time went on, this situation only complicated and polarized people even more.

were lucky weve kept order this long, in fact, with the envangelical rebellion in the first decade of this century, and then the sino-american economic crisis(which is a fancy word for war). and now weve got a shady group of folks running around blowing things to smithereens, and blaming it on completely innocent civil and human rights groups.

the 'shepherds' are trying hard, it seems, to give any well-intentioned organizations a bad name, which would explain the CL being in the news so often. they also still manage to pit the masses against each other and against the government, using religion, race, and Newgen as sparks to light a fire. every time the many get close to making steps toward reestablishing the Constitution, the 'shepherds' turn the focus away from themselves and make the people hate the government. this is dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, since the real culprits simply stand out of view while their marionettes dance for them.

okay, crap, i just needed to have a smoke outside and get a drink for myself . . . im working on model number eight now, i typed too much! gotta get back underground for a while!!

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:10 AM EST
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Thursday, 3 March 2005
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: civilization
whoa, whoa, buddy, what exactly are you talking about? where did this come from?

Posted by Alan Cross at 4:10 AM EST
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Wednesday, 2 March 2005
morning all
Mood:  lazy
Topic: leisure
well, i went to sleep a bit early tonight, and now im up for the day it seems. i may take a nap later, who knows, i was just checking in to see if there were any new posts. anyway, im going to make some breakfast, have a smoke, then get to work on model number eight; my deadline is next monday.

im really beginning to see how adequate preparations can make life much easier. for example, all nine of my androids are essentially complete . . . its just a matter of fitting all the components together and making everything work together as a flawless system. anyhow, i wont get into that, im rambling . . . again.

ill get back with you guys later . . . have a good one.

Posted by Alan Cross at 4:39 AM EST
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