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Friday, 4 March 2005
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: things
well, yes, it is a good thing that we agree on such things in the general sense. but what meetings are you talking about? i dont know anything about any meetings, rex? remember??!

as for phil, yea, just look him up. ive just been so preoccupied with getting the rest of the models assembled for testing. and you had another mysterious visitor in your dreams yesterday, ah? just watch your back, you know. it could be a subconscious manifestation of something youve buried in your mind . . . best to confront it and make it go away for good.

and yes, indeed, doing most of my work in advance is not my forte, but i felt it necessary for some reason. i was complaining then, but im singing now . . . its worked out well this way. itll give me a lot of time to really perfect model number nine . . . and yes, unfortunately i MUST win the next two wagers in order to keep control of all nine of the androids. i dont think wyles realizes that though, so i dont feel a need to mention it.

anyhow, back to the lab . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:58 AM EST
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