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Tuesday, 8 March 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: work related
sorry i cant chat too much, buddy, im at john wyles right now. i beat him in our first chess match, and he convinced me to have a rematch. im typing to you from the bathroom . . . man, i need to slow down with the drinking tonight . . . already im heavcily buzzed

so you actually went through with your world travel plan, huh? where exactly did you go? im just curious how it all worked out, how you pulled it off . . . especially if you made several stops.

oh, ill tell you more about the testing of model eight tonight or tommorrow . . . lets just say that it went well, very well. im still managed to impress wyles, and so he has requested that i take a bit more time with model number nine, that way i can make it even better than the others . . . he doesnt know that its already pretty damn good, but ive got a few little tricks up my sleeve.

talk t ya later!

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:41 AM EST
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