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Sunday, 13 March 2005
drinks,. drinks
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: things
well, here i sit, saturday night, and doing nothing once again . . . it was weird how my ex sort of popped back into my life for a few nights and disappeared. it makes me feel uncomfortable, because as i said before, she just didnt seem the same.

anyway,i suppose i do need to tone down my drinking a bit, but really, its sort of a recent thing . . . ive just had a bad feeling in the past few months, maybe my whole life . . . something is amiss, i feel. but its hard to trust the gut, you know. anyhow, i dont mean to go on and on about myself . . . ive been working on model number nine, and its going very well. ive probably got until mid-april to finish it, at least . . . just depends on wyles. anyhow, this model is going to be my crowning achievement . . . itll be very different from the other models, but yet quite the same.

okay, too much rambling . . . and rex, give me some life signs pal, just curious how the experiments are going

Posted by Alan Cross at 3:27 AM EST
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