
Topic: ridiculousness
what do you mean model nine looks good, rex? how would you have seen it?? anyhow, thanks, i guess . . . its been in development for the recent part of my life, and ill never stop till number nine is done.
im happy to say that i had no more strange freaks walking through my yard . . . ive got to say, im a bit apprehensive about going out at night now, and i suppose i can understand how you felt when you saw that guy sitting in your compute chair. models one through eight have been reassuring me that it was nothing to worry about; they were merely protecting me because they had picked up on my emotions at the time. they say that my intruder was merely an electromagnetic disturbance . . . HA! yea, that what they used to say about UFOs didnt they? like i said, im a rational kind of guy, real scientific and calculated. but I SAW THAT. im not arrogant enough to deny my own eyes.
anyway, what sort of thing are you trying to organize by going around the country? im curious to hear what youve got in store for us ;)
and as for micky michaels, that autistic boy, yes, ive heard of him. he is quite miraculous, ive heard. i havent seen any of the videos, but ive heard about him restoring life to dead animals and things like that, or changing the weather, etc. but i mean who knows, it could all be coincedence. nothing like this gets into the news without someone powerful allowing it . . . what would be the motive for that?
anyhow, im off to bed . . . until next time!
Posted by Alan Cross
at 6:41 AM EST