
Topic: research
yes, yes, rex, youre quite the comedian arent you? me, at a bar, on friday night? wouldnt i love that!
as i mentioned before, ive got to have model seven ready for preliminary testing on monday. but youre partially right . . . just because im not at the bar doesnt mean that i cant enjoy some spirits in my own humble abode, and an occasional cigarette when i can get out of the clean room. i tell you, being a roboticist is NOT the right job for a smoker . . . maybe i shouldve been a bartender or something?
anyhow, wyles, crowley, AND general barrington will be there for the testing, and although i know crowley has my back, im sure itll be much tougher to rouse wyles and barrington from their ultra-criticism.
50 years ago, hell, TEN years ago, any scientist in the world, any SIMPLETON(aka: john wyles) would have marvelled at these androids . . . nowadays its like pulling teeth even to get an extension on my research grant.
anyhow, ive got to get back to the lab, i was just coming out of the dungeon for a cigarette . . .
more later . . . !
Posted by Alan Cross
at 2:29 AM EST