
Topic: travels
well, i just got home from my trip to chicago. it was a very fruitful endeavor, and i think that a good deal was accomplished . . . as for the identity of my host, i dont think you know them, rex . . . and no, it wasnt jessica, although that wouldve been nice im sure ;)
anyhow, i fricking starving, so im going to put together a little plate of something(or a large plate) and get down to business. in this case, business being my nourishment . . . its crazy, sometimes a person can just get so wrapped up in their activities that they barely remember to even eat. i suppose i can thank the ridiculous amount of billboards and other advertisements for reminding me of my human needs. man, wouldnt it be nice if you didnt have to eat?
anyhow, the kitchen is calling me . . . ill be back in a short while to post more, i think. i dont think im going anywhere tonight or drinking at all . . . which reminds me, its a bit of a relief that wyles hasnt pushed me into another game of chess to wager on model number seven.
alright, later on folks, rex!
Posted by Alan Cross
at 9:18 PM EST