
Topic: work related
hey there folks, hopefully everyone had a good weekend. it will be nice when rex figures out a way for me to view these posts that hes transfering 'temporally'.
anyhow, im bored but at the same time incredibly rushed. prometheus seven seems to be malfunctioning in a way, but i suppose its quite an amazing malfunction. i cant really talk about it yet, but perhaps once the testing is over tomorrow ill feel a little less paranoid. i mean, just in case someone at wyles-crowley gets a hold of these posts, i dont want to seem disloyal.
geez, perhaps my parents should have changed my last name to 'coholic', because it would go so well with my first name, 'al'. and so, i take another drink, and another smoke . . . amazing that these things are still legal nowadays. then again, i think adults shouldnt be forced NOT to kill themselves through cigarettes, thats just wrong.
okay, back to work, had to get that thought out . . .
oh, are you back yet rex?
Posted by Alan Cross
at 1:11 AM EST