
Topic: things
aha, excellent! our good friend mr. reinhard has set up a way for me to view our posts! he sent them directly to my handheld and it just notified me . . . anyhow, thanks for the interest, rex . . . the testing was a SUCCESS! amazingly so, actually. more details later
anyhow, crowley convinced me to go with him to the bar tonight along with a guy from the biological institute, rich rosenthal. we were supposed to be meeting alex's lady friend and her two friends, but i guess only alex's lady showed up. :P but technically it isnt valentines day anymore anyway, so its no big deal. i never really got into it anyway . . . crap, you know how the saying goes, im married to my work . . .
ill check back in a little later though, friends, ive got to get back to the table and get another drink before last call!
Posted by Alan Cross
at 1:42 AM EST