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Tuesday, 22 February 2005
short excursion
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: travels
today i am taking a short trip to chicago via mag-rail, to visit a friend of mine. its a bit business-related as well, but not completely so. ill probably be posting a little on here since ive got my handheld with me, but i try not to use these little gadgets too much around other people. but its so hard these days, and it seems like everyone does it in most cases . . . but im trying to make a better attempt at escaping my ultra-reliance on technology.

if only you knew how hard of a task that is for a fellow like me, brought up in this environment . . . perhaps technology has made folks less personable, but this is not the rule and hopefully one day it will again be the exception, though i find it hard to see society without any technology whatsoever.

but anyhow, im going to sleep for an hour or so more before getting ready for my trip. or maybe ill just stay up the whole time . . . more later, folks!

Posted by Alan Cross at 9:28 AM EST
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