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Wednesday, 23 February 2005
i want some psychic camouflage
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: research
well, rex, that certainly is interesting. perhaps you might try to send a video file to my handheld to see whether or not i can view it? ill be your guinea pig for the time being!

anyhow, i dont write very much, yes, i know, i know. there are various reasons for this, but mainly i am just used to being brief and technical in writing(you probably couldnt tell), so i dont get deep into things.

i suppose that i also just dont like frivolously revealing impertinent information, especially if it is detrimental to me . . . self-preservation, ya know.

then again, my mother always used to ask me excessive questions and bug me to elaborate on all my experiences and that sort of thing. i guess im sort of used to eluding that sort of thing . . .

and then hell, theres the major fact that in real life, i talk so much that perhaps i use up all i have to say before sitting down to write ;)

anyhow, send me that video if you can . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 3:57 AM EST
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