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Friday, 25 February 2005
s'alright, s'alright
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: things
its alright, my friend, apology accepted! and yes, i get the joke, hardy har har! im too fricking tired to worry right now. and its not as if i have anything to worry about anyway . . .

as for liz, thats just another story altogether . . . it would be comparable to your friends throwing you a surprise birthday, and then when you get there and start reminiscing, nobody can remember anything or act like they normally do. translation: she just seemed aloof, a bit out of it. it was almost like a dream.

as for the CL being in the news every day . . . well, thats not good at all. the media can be a valuable tool, but . . . its usuall abused it seems.

anyhow, im hitting the proverbial hay . . . night everyone!

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:41 AM EST
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