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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
good to hear from you
Mood:  cool
Topic: things
well, its good to hear that youre in working order, and that your little post-detecting ability is in full effect. ;) anyhow, im glad you posted the rest of your experiment, although i cant say it fits the strict definition of 'experiment', what, with all the unexpected variables. perhaps that might be considered testing, or as part of a larger experiment. but hell, i wont get into semantics.

anyway, you told me it was okay to talk about my visitor today, so here goes.

around 10 am, i was deep in the lab when the house computer(homecom) informed me that someone was at the front door. i quickly went upstairs and asked a few questions to the man through my intercom, and when i was satisfied by answers, i let him in for a moment to chat.

he said his name was a.b. garza and that he was an investigation contractor . . . which is just a modern term for what people used to called a private investigator. the difference is, an ic(investigation contractor) could be hired by anyone, even the government or a corporation. anyhow, he was asking questions about the letter i had received, which threw me off since he shouldnt know about that. he was claiming that it was part of a large investigation he was involved in, and that it was direly important that i tell him if i received such a letter.

i dodged the questions, not because i wanted to lie, but because i was suspicious of this mans intentions. i told him he was free to contact me in the future but that i was busy and had to go back to work. he kindly left and i havent heard from him since.

have you heard of a.b. garza??

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:53 AM EST
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