man, ive got to stop drinking
Topic: leisure
well, perhaps i had a few too many drinks last night . . . i guess its a double-edged sword. wyles invites me over to get pissed and play chess, and then he gives me the next day off. hes being awfully friendly lately, and that is highly uncharacteristic of him. for goodness sake, my throat feels like the victim of a night of chain smoking, and although my memory is hazy, im sure it was.
anyway, wyles DID make a wager on model number six(hes so easy to predict), so i won that bet. thats one dollar owed . . . btw, rex, did you find out how many people are reading this? my winnings might be quite large in that case ;)
also, not only did i win the wager i proposed, but i also won the actual bet on model six. so thats two models ive won in total . . . ive been practicing my chess with model three for a while, but still, wyles seems to use no tactic at all. it just seems like drunk luck for him when he wins . . . if we wager on the next three models, i sure hope that my luck continues.
rex: as for your
observation on the Leyden skins similarity to organic tissue, you are quite right; its modelled almost exactly after the same structures, except the Leyden skin is much more durable and effective while in use. nature is, after all, one of the best designers, and the human form is by far one of the best examples of intelligent design. i, however, still have reservations about cybernetic applications. human testing is an ethical line that i try to avoid stepping over at all costs, and you should too, my young friend.
i do kindly ask that you not snoop around in my files regarding my recent research. much of it is still inconclusive, and id hate for you to get the wrong idea about what my inventions are capable of. i know that age reversal and age stasis are of great interest to you, rex, but PLEASE do not dig into anything in my wyles-crowley files.
to change the subject, phil reynolds and i have recently been in contact for a variety of reasons, but i will make sure to try and set up some sort of meeting between you two. although i admit that your ability to learn and store information is much greater than the average joe, i think that there are a few things that you might be able to learn from phil.
anyhow, ive got to run to wyles-crowley later on and submit my latest report on the Leyden skin; i forgot to bring it over wyles house last night in my rush to get there. geez, the things youll do (or wont do!) to make your boss happy . . .
Posted by Alan Cross
at 3:14 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 3:18 PM EST