so rex . . .
. . . youve become quite the author, eh? ;) thats quite a lengthy post, considering how you didnt want to save our readers(i.e. you and i) from a lengthy explanation!! but it was interesting to read, dont get me wrong. im impressed with the whole johnny tanuki thing, almost to the point that its unbelievable. but i do believe it because of something i saw on a news feed.
a man had apparently been in the audience as your little performance went on, and he filmed it. incidentally, when he got home later to show his friends, there was no video file at all. it was completely gone . . . so it makes me wonder, what sort of effect do your illusions have on electronic equipment? was this simply a fluke? or is this erasure effect something that is normal? perhaps you might look into that at some point.
yes, indeed i did work on the 'STM' as you put it, and i suppose it is alright if you mention it in that term, but dont ever specify what the project is. not only is it somewhat personal, but i might get in trouble with wyles-crowley.
as for my weekend, i got together with some friends and we had our long-overdue meeting in which we discuss current events and other issues, and where we work on being virtuous . . . i am somewhat inspired by old ben franklin, to start some sort of organization that requires the members only to be virtuous people. we would promote this ideal responsibly . . . but thats all ive got for now.
anyhow, im going back to lab now, i was just having a cigarette.
later on!
Posted by Alan Cross
at 1:05 AM EST