
Topic: leisure
alright, geez. just got home from the house of an ex . . . she had called me earlier in the week and i just spent last night with her, or rather, wednesday night, then went back tonight. now im back home, or rather, on the way in my auto car. it was nice to hear from her but it was just weird, she seemed different somehow . . . anyhow rex, where have you been? i havent seen any posts in a while.
oh, you know, i got the idea to check my post office box today(since you were talking about postal mail earlier this week) and i found a letter in there very similar to the one you talked about in your post.
it sounded very similar to yours, in fact, but the author wrote that they were looking forward to meeting me very much. sooo, needless to say, it was very strange. i dont think its anyone from the SOS, the CL, or the IPP.
anyhow, i really dont think ill be meeting that person anytime soon, not if i can help it . . . then again, it could be interesting. but anyhow, talk to you all later. im a bit worn out ;)
until next time . . .
Posted by Alan Cross
at 5:07 AM EST