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Friday, 25 February 2005
s'alright, s'alright
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: things
its alright, my friend, apology accepted! and yes, i get the joke, hardy har har! im too fricking tired to worry right now. and its not as if i have anything to worry about anyway . . .

as for liz, thats just another story altogether . . . it would be comparable to your friends throwing you a surprise birthday, and then when you get there and start reminiscing, nobody can remember anything or act like they normally do. translation: she just seemed aloof, a bit out of it. it was almost like a dream.

as for the CL being in the news every day . . . well, thats not good at all. the media can be a valuable tool, but . . . its usuall abused it seems.

anyhow, im hitting the proverbial hay . . . night everyone!

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:41 AM EST
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Mood:  quizzical
Topic: ridiculousness
are you messing with the timestamps or . . . ? dont mess around like that! how could you post your message 2 mins before mine?

about the post office boxes and corporations . . . i know, i know!

and yes, those are the right translations for those acronyms, but perhaps you might not mention that second one in the future? im already spaced from how weird liz was acting, i dont need this craziness right now, por favor.

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:10 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 25 February 2005 5:14 AM EST
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ohhhh boy
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: leisure
alright, geez. just got home from the house of an ex . . . she had called me earlier in the week and i just spent last night with her, or rather, wednesday night, then went back tonight. now im back home, or rather, on the way in my auto car. it was nice to hear from her but it was just weird, she seemed different somehow . . . anyhow rex, where have you been? i havent seen any posts in a while.

oh, you know, i got the idea to check my post office box today(since you were talking about postal mail earlier this week) and i found a letter in there very similar to the one you talked about in your post.

it sounded very similar to yours, in fact, but the author wrote that they were looking forward to meeting me very much. sooo, needless to say, it was very strange. i dont think its anyone from the SOS, the CL, or the IPP.

anyhow, i really dont think ill be meeting that person anytime soon, not if i can help it . . . then again, it could be interesting. but anyhow, talk to you all later. im a bit worn out ;)

until next time . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:07 AM EST
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Wednesday, 23 February 2005
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: ridiculousness
HOLY SH*T, my young friend, that video is ridiculous!! are you sure you didnt get some hollywood director to make this for you? i mean, for goodness sake . . . anyhow, needless to say, i think your illusionary effects can indeed be preserved in video format.

but i am going to destroy this file, rex, and i should hope you would do the same. you know how strange this sort of thing is. ive learned long ago never to keep anything that might cast suspicion upon me . . . not as if there is anything to be suspicious about anyway. geez!! that right there sounds suspicious.

anyhow, thanks for sending that to me . . . it appears that your abilities are much more unique than i had previously thought. keep up the research, my fellow!


Posted by Alan Cross at 4:31 AM EST
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i want some psychic camouflage
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: research
well, rex, that certainly is interesting. perhaps you might try to send a video file to my handheld to see whether or not i can view it? ill be your guinea pig for the time being!

anyhow, i dont write very much, yes, i know, i know. there are various reasons for this, but mainly i am just used to being brief and technical in writing(you probably couldnt tell), so i dont get deep into things.

i suppose that i also just dont like frivolously revealing impertinent information, especially if it is detrimental to me . . . self-preservation, ya know.

then again, my mother always used to ask me excessive questions and bug me to elaborate on all my experiences and that sort of thing. i guess im sort of used to eluding that sort of thing . . .

and then hell, theres the major fact that in real life, i talk so much that perhaps i use up all i have to say before sitting down to write ;)

anyhow, send me that video if you can . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 3:57 AM EST
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so whats the verdict?
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: research
so rex, you didnt quite finish saying whether the second part of your experiment worked . . . could you willingly make the video recorder capture your illusions?

Posted by Alan Cross at 1:48 AM EST
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Tuesday, 22 February 2005
coming home
Mood:  hungry
Topic: travels
well, i just got home from my trip to chicago. it was a very fruitful endeavor, and i think that a good deal was accomplished . . . as for the identity of my host, i dont think you know them, rex . . . and no, it wasnt jessica, although that wouldve been nice im sure ;)

anyhow, i fricking starving, so im going to put together a little plate of something(or a large plate) and get down to business. in this case, business being my nourishment . . . its crazy, sometimes a person can just get so wrapped up in their activities that they barely remember to even eat. i suppose i can thank the ridiculous amount of billboards and other advertisements for reminding me of my human needs. man, wouldnt it be nice if you didnt have to eat?

anyhow, the kitchen is calling me . . . ill be back in a short while to post more, i think. i dont think im going anywhere tonight or drinking at all . . . which reminds me, its a bit of a relief that wyles hasnt pushed me into another game of chess to wager on model number seven.

alright, later on folks, rex!

Posted by Alan Cross at 9:18 PM EST
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short excursion
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: travels
today i am taking a short trip to chicago via mag-rail, to visit a friend of mine. its a bit business-related as well, but not completely so. ill probably be posting a little on here since ive got my handheld with me, but i try not to use these little gadgets too much around other people. but its so hard these days, and it seems like everyone does it in most cases . . . but im trying to make a better attempt at escaping my ultra-reliance on technology.

if only you knew how hard of a task that is for a fellow like me, brought up in this environment . . . perhaps technology has made folks less personable, but this is not the rule and hopefully one day it will again be the exception, though i find it hard to see society without any technology whatsoever.

but anyhow, im going to sleep for an hour or so more before getting ready for my trip. or maybe ill just stay up the whole time . . . more later, folks!

Posted by Alan Cross at 9:28 AM EST
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yea, yea, i know, i know
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: professor reinhard
alright, alright, i know, i made a grammar error . . . i think the meaning was understood, especially since you pointed it out! you and your editing . . . i swear, you seem to edit every single postanyway, i see that youve read the autobiography of benjamin franklin as well?

its a good book, i recommend it to anyone. its a timeless classic.

anyway, i gotta put this fucking handheld down, i keep looking up stupid things and getting distracted from work . . .

Posted by Alan Cross at 1:22 AM EST
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so rex . . .
. . . youve become quite the author, eh? ;) thats quite a lengthy post, considering how you didnt want to save our readers(i.e. you and i) from a lengthy explanation!! but it was interesting to read, dont get me wrong. im impressed with the whole johnny tanuki thing, almost to the point that its unbelievable. but i do believe it because of something i saw on a news feed.

a man had apparently been in the audience as your little performance went on, and he filmed it. incidentally, when he got home later to show his friends, there was no video file at all. it was completely gone . . . so it makes me wonder, what sort of effect do your illusions have on electronic equipment? was this simply a fluke? or is this erasure effect something that is normal? perhaps you might look into that at some point.

yes, indeed i did work on the 'STM' as you put it, and i suppose it is alright if you mention it in that term, but dont ever specify what the project is. not only is it somewhat personal, but i might get in trouble with wyles-crowley.

as for my weekend, i got together with some friends and we had our long-overdue meeting in which we discuss current events and other issues, and where we work on being virtuous . . . i am somewhat inspired by old ben franklin, to start some sort of organization that requires the members only to be virtuous people. we would promote this ideal responsibly . . . but thats all ive got for now.

anyhow, im going back to lab now, i was just having a cigarette.

later on!

Posted by Alan Cross at 1:05 AM EST
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Friday, 18 February 2005
bit of the same here, friend
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: leisure
i hear you rex. i havent been tired as much as i have been excited to have a little time for my own pursuits. not that i dont enjoy working on the androids, but ive got some personal projects i like to tinker with as well . . . ill probably be occupied a bit with that over the weekend, i think. ill try to post what i can, folks!!

til next time . . . !

Posted by Alan Cross at 6:37 AM EST
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Thursday, 17 February 2005
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: leisure
anyhow, rex, im assuming youre kind of worn out from your earlier research and you must be resting, otherwise, that has got to be the longest snack ever.

hmm, something is slowing my system down, which is very unusual. ive got to get to bed anyway, so its time to go offline.

til next time!

Posted by Alan Cross at 7:14 AM EST
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interesting stuff
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: research
well, it sounds like our friend rex had quite a day, did he not? you know, im still not even sure if anyone is even reading this besides rex and i.

anyway rex, that is quite a story you have . . . id be curious to see whether you could do an accurate, purposeful impersonation of johnny tanuki. then again, we probably shouldnt go around imitating famous people, or anyone for that matter, i guess. still, you seemed to have pulled off the 'psychic camouflage' quite well . . . did you notice the reactions of the other passersby? id be curious to see their reactions.

also, do you know whether cameras can pick up the effect? this is somewhat interesting research, id like to hear more.

and geez, what a great bar trick . . . you might have to teach me that one ;) anyhow, talk to you later

Posted by Alan Cross at 6:54 AM EST
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Wednesday, 16 February 2005
yes, yes, testing
Mood:  lazy
Topic: work related
okay, well, im just checking in for the afternoon to see how things are going . . . i figure that its inevitable that wyles has me over for another chess game soon, seeing as though model seven was just completed and approved.

anyhow, how was your day, rex?

Posted by Alan Cross at 2:51 PM EST
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ah yes
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: work related
well, yes, that last post of mine was a bit embarassing, yes, but really, i have been able to maintain my career as a roboticist even though i cant stop my drinking and smoking . . . its just a matter of controlling yourself.

anyhow, the testing was fricking great, rex. model seven seemingly responded to my impulses, and every time i was worried about a glitch, model seven eased my worries. afterwards, he told me that he was faking it though. it was amazing, that model seven was capable of covering up his errors. but really, they werent errors.

i think model seven can sense human emotion . . . but maybe im crazy. im also inebriated right now.

Posted by Alan Cross at 2:49 AM EST
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Tuesday, 15 February 2005
dsafg whoA
Mood:  chillin'
hey damn, gotta turn off 'notify' on the post . . im gonna sleep more now . . .tynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn yn dbv

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:44 AM EST
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Mood:  a-ok
Topic: things
aha, excellent! our good friend mr. reinhard has set up a way for me to view our posts! he sent them directly to my handheld and it just notified me . . . anyhow, thanks for the interest, rex . . . the testing was a SUCCESS! amazingly so, actually. more details later

anyhow, crowley convinced me to go with him to the bar tonight along with a guy from the biological institute, rich rosenthal. we were supposed to be meeting alex's lady friend and her two friends, but i guess only alex's lady showed up. :P but technically it isnt valentines day anymore anyway, so its no big deal. i never really got into it anyway . . . crap, you know how the saying goes, im married to my work . . .

ill check back in a little later though, friends, ive got to get back to the table and get another drink before last call!

Posted by Alan Cross at 1:42 AM EST
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Monday, 14 February 2005
there goes that plan
Mood:  d'oh
okey dokey, so alex just called me and delivered the unfortunate news that my test for model seven is rescheduled to 10 AM.

so much for that sleeping idea . . .

hopefully the result will be worth the lack of sleep!

Posted by Alan Cross at 5:23 AM EST
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Mood:  rushed
Topic: work related
hey there folks, hopefully everyone had a good weekend. it will be nice when rex figures out a way for me to view these posts that hes transfering 'temporally'.

anyhow, im bored but at the same time incredibly rushed. prometheus seven seems to be malfunctioning in a way, but i suppose its quite an amazing malfunction. i cant really talk about it yet, but perhaps once the testing is over tomorrow ill feel a little less paranoid. i mean, just in case someone at wyles-crowley gets a hold of these posts, i dont want to seem disloyal.

geez, perhaps my parents should have changed my last name to 'coholic', because it would go so well with my first name, 'al'. and so, i take another drink, and another smoke . . . amazing that these things are still legal nowadays. then again, i think adults shouldnt be forced NOT to kill themselves through cigarettes, thats just wrong.

okay, back to work, had to get that thought out . . .

oh, are you back yet rex?

Posted by Alan Cross at 1:11 AM EST
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Sunday, 13 February 2005
Mood:  celebratory
hello folks!

unbelievable! once again, i hate to ramble on about myself, but im THIS close to finishing up the loose ends on model number seven. it should be ready by the meeting on monday afternoon . . . i just didnt think id be so close to finishing on saturday!

well, i guess it is technically sunday right now anyhow. okay, so maybe i am kind of pushing it down to the wire here . . .

anyhow, rex, are you around at all tonight? or is it hard to get net access where you are? im just enjoying some cognac right now and having a smoke in the first-floor library . . . needed a break.

i might give a call to crowley and see what hes up to, hes always down for some vice.

anyhow, later on folks! wish me luck! and rex, if i dont hear from you tonight/today, i hope your little excursion worked out well. who are you going to visit anyhow, if you dont mind me asking?

Posted by Alan Cross at 2:36 AM EST
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