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Friday, 11 February 2005
oh come on you old man ;) dont be so sensitive. im not angry at you. i didnt mean to 'toot my horn' either, i was just stating facts.

and yes, temporal information transfer is something im currently experimenting with. i think its going quite well actually. i know you think im just an over-imaginative child though(not true), but at least im not the one researching a 'soul transfer machine'. ;)

anyway, whats the deal with phil reynolds?


Posted by Alan Cross at 3:31 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 11 February 2005 3:33 AM EST
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oh yes
oh, and i would appreciate if you didnt refer to me as 'little' or 'young boy'. i may still be confined in a childs body, but as you know my mind is far superior to any child alive, and in fact is much better than most adult minds as well.

anyhow, ill only have this 8 year old body for another few months. within a year, youll barely recognize me, and in five years time i will have the body of a young adult. my mind is advancing all the time as well.


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:28 AM EST
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our era
Topic: explanations
the reason i refer to 'our era', dr. cross, is because you and i are not living in the same era as the people reading these messages we write. i thought i told you about how i was experimenting with temporal information transfer . . . its quite exciting, i must say, to transmit these messages back to the start of the century.

if they only knew what was going on right now, alan, maybe theyd pay more attention, dont you think?


Posted by Alan Cross at 12:25 AM EST
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Thursday, 10 February 2005
fun in the sun, or the lack thereof
well i just got back from a short day trip to the beach, although as you may have guessed, all the beaches are arctic wastelands right now. angelica felt that i should get out of the house and relax for a bit, but its hard to do that when youve got important research on your mind. im not speaking with her right now because she irritated me quite a bit during the day.

anyway, as we coasted toward the atlantic, i saw kids playing in the snow and having a good time. it pains me to know that these children are ignorant of their futures, and worse than that, that nobody seems keen on informing them. but which is worse, being blissfully ignorant or having your youth robbed from you?

as for the nature vs. nurture question posed by dr. cross in a recent post, its not a simple answer. of course its a mixture of both, as there are no absolutes in nature. everything has duality to it, and that is something that doesnt need empirical evidence to prove. we can simply observe our environment to see this.

however, just because everything is dualistic in nature doesnt mean that everything is in balance. as time wears on, im tempted to think that it is in human nature to be dependent and selfish. i do try quite hard to pass it off as a product of their environment though, but when you look at video of how people treated Newgen children . . . you see humanitys true nature.

incidentally, i was looking at more news articles today (btw, congratulations to jessica dehring on her acceptance into the White House press association), except these were older news articles from the beginning of the century.

one of them spoke about how schools were starting to use electronic IDs for kids, even to the point where they might be able to buy lunch with it. everyone is incredibly worried about this, it seems, but they dont realize that this is something that becomes quite normal in the future. while it may frighten some, trust me when i say that there are many benefits to this technology. i will illustrate this later.

anyway, almost everyone in my era has GPS ID implants, especially any suspected Newgen. isnt that right, dr. cross?


Posted by Alan Cross at 11:56 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 11 February 2005 12:01 AM EST
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Wednesday, 9 February 2005
Topic: society
this fucking world is in some dire need of some changes . . . everyone focuses so much on this country helping the rest of the world, but a good portion of the worlds problems would have never started without the intervention of europeans first, and now americans.

how can a country claim to spread freedom and civilization around the world when they cannot even fix the problems in their own country? how can they stop poverty and famine and pestilence in other countries without first getting control of the problems within their own borders?

ive read two articles recently by the brilliant jessica dehring of the international news network. in the one, she comments on the obvious fact that looming federal budget cuts will affect communities nationwide. now i know that jessica has her assignments given to her, so she is outside of the circle of blame on this idiotic article.

its the people who caused these budget problems in the first place(many of them are top dogs at the international news network and other media giants, buying their way into politicians pockets) that need to be strung up. some people in this country deserve better leadership, they deserve accountability and trustworthiness in leaders.

but i will admit that there is a select few genuinely good politicians, and when i say 'good politicians', i mean people who dedicate their lives to improving this country. the remainder of 'politicians' are just businessmen and megalomaniacs, trying to take as much for themselves as they can without letting the masses see. this disappoints me greatly.

this goes for the civilians in this country as well. most of them are equally as responsible for allowing their leaders to pull the wool over their eyes. they constantly follow everything they hear and read . . . it makes me realize how impressionable the mass mind is.

moving on, jessica dehring stays objective in her reporting a hate crime inflicted upon a teenage girl by a random old woman. this old woman kidnapped the young girl, tied her up, and chopped off her hands because of the tattoos that were displayed.

if i were in control, this old woman would rot in a prison cell for the rest of her life. as an extra psychological punishment, she would have her whole body tattooed, to remind her of the intolerant hate crime that she executed on an innocent young girl. and now this young girl will be disfigured for the rest of her life . . . situations like these make me wish that dr. crosss Leyden skin could be used cybernetically.

anyway, its people like this young girl that im concerned about. children, adolescents, some teenagers, and fewer adults . . . people who are either innocent or trying to make things better. thats who im looking out for.


Posted by Alan Cross at 11:54 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 11:56 PM EST
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the state of affairs
well, its too bad that dr. cross isnt confident in his own creations! why, nanosurgery has been going on for years now, and if you all only knew the kinds of demented research that other Newgens undergo in the hands of the puppet masters . . . youd certainly feel a bit more sympathy when driving past a labor camp. but i am not concerned, because all evil men will eventually meet their judge . . . one day, ill cut the strings and set the puppets free.

but anyway, i was sitting on a bench today, testing my effect on people and machines, and i seem to be getting quite good at 'ghosting' myself. you see, no buses or taxis stopped for me at all, even though i was clearly standing in plain sight. a few people even tried to sit down on me as i sat on the bench.

then i tested the opposite effect, to see how many people i could draw in. my success was great, but now im trying to think of a way to get easy access to any and all computer networks. my GPSID is pretty good, but i need to expand its functioning capacity . . .

anyhow, as i sat there testing my abilities, i saw a homeless man walking towards me. now, you dont need to see to know the man was homeless, you could smell him. although im sure the story of his life is long and complicated, i cant help but feeling conflicted: our society creates these conditions and does nothing to fix them, but at the same time i was very disappointed in this mans lack of responsibility.

i avoided eye contact, almost positive that this man had picked up my psychic bait from miles away. he mustve sensed how good of a person i am. anyway, he asked me for 60 cents so he could catch a train, and although i knew that he was lying, i reached into my pocket and found exactly 60 cents.

im not stupid enough to think that he could actually pay for a train fare with 60 cents, or worse yet, with hard cash. these days, coins are mostly good on the black market, due to their lack of scrutiny by authorities.

but as i sat there, allowing this miscreant to fool me, something dawned on me and i felt that the man might be right . . . after all, why in the hell should all transactions be under surveillance? its things like this that tempt me to join the civilian league.

and alan, i will kindly observe your suggestion to not 'snoop' around in your files(im not a crook you know, you dont have to worry). i would hope that you dont mention the age issue again, though. that was very thoughtless on your part.


Posted by Alan Cross at 3:46 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 3:48 PM EST
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its about that time
i guess you still arent home yet, are you alan? i can only imagine what youve gotten yourself into . . . anyhow, youve got to introduce me to your friend phil reynolds. he sounds like quite the technophile, and i could always use some new pupils, er, i mean teachers. ;)

oh, get this, friends. i was looking at some of your files on the Leyden skin (hope you dont mind, alan), and i was amazed at how eerily similar your nanomachine is to the real makeup of organic tissues. it gets me wondering . . . would it really be so dangerous then to use Leyden skin in cybernetic applications?

i cant help but wonder, comrades . . . might one be able to keep organic tissue young forever by nano-maintenance?

anyways, my fellow beings, im done in this realm for now . . . time to go rest my eyes and see what i can find in that dreamy realm i like to call the Big Reflection.


Posted by Alan Cross at 3:44 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 3:47 AM EST
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aha! alan says that only a single dollar will be owed to him is he loses his bet with wyles(that is, if wyles even proposes the wager). with all the uncertainty involved, the average person would not proceed with a bet like the one proposed by dr. cross.

but i will! you dont really know for certain how many people are reading this, now do you, alan? although im sure either of us could find out . . . and that could be a lot of money owed ;)

but yes, have fun drinking and being merry.

im going back to a bit of research.


Posted by Alan Cross at 2:17 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 2:21 AM EST
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for goodness sake
Topic: alan cross
for the sake of all thats good, did i not tell you all to expect something amazing from dr. cross?
Leyden skin!
you see, you should pay more attention to your hunches, and more so your dreams . . . only dreams can reveal those things you hide from yourself in waking hours. after all, how can one fool themselves if they are already overwhelmed by a realm that easily unveils their subtlest and most secret desire ?

i just didnt expect this to happen until a later point, and this makes me wonder what other mechanical marvels he has in the making, and what else may be the real surprise.

i often wish that i wasnt so accurate all the time, i mean after all, nothing is a surprise to me anymore. of course this has taken time to develop, and in the past i had to focus harder to go from the general to the specific, to what specifically involved me or those who affected me. by 'affected', i mean that i enjoyed these humans company more than that of an average human, even to a great extent with a few(dr. cross stands in this rank).

all of these people are beings that i respect greatly, and therefore i always have them in my thoughts and in my dreams, i watch out for them. this goes for you too, dr. cross! ive got my eye on you ;)

all this considered, i also have immense respect for non-intervention policies, and therefore i can do no more than simply watch over my comrades.

but nevermind all that, i just had to get a word in about dr. crosss amazing new research development. i look forward to hearing more; perhaps in the future we can work together on something, alan.


Posted by Alan Cross at 1:42 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 1:47 AM EST
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a thousand thanks to the thoughtful roboticist
Topic: alan cross
i must admit that i am sorry i didnt post a note sooner, but i had been distracted by other issues floating in the forefront of my mind . . .

cheers to dr. cross for allowing me access to his spectacular computer resources. he has also allowed me significant freedom to express my thoughts and opinions, and i look forward to more debate with this incredibly skilled and under-appreciated scientist. the vastness of his research network is enough to get lost in, and his information preservation project is helping to preserve this treasure for future generations. something tells me they might need it . . .

anyhow, i see great things coming from the labs of alan cross . . . if my dreams are any indicator(which they most usually are), then id say we are in for some excitement in the field of robotics.

hopefully everything works out for the best.

once again, my gratitude to this great man. he is one of few g-men that i really respect, although it is quite a stretch to say he is a real g-man(and thats a compliment).

-rex reinhard

Posted by Alan Cross at 12:26 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2005 12:29 AM EST
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